Jul 09, 2005 20:12
i know theres a big world out there, like the one i saw on the screen,
in my living room late last night, it was almost too bright to see....
i know that its not a party, if it happens every night....
pretending theres glamour and candelabra, when you're drinking by candlelight....
what does it take to get a drink in this place?
enway. i hardly post anymore....because i dont get anything really accomplished irl, by doing anything on the computer....in fact, it delays me from working on the problems i do have and such...s'why i'm hardly ever online on anything......i find it quite a positive step in just trying to live...
but i do miss alot of the people i used to talk to on here...
on another note, turned 21 last month, and amazingly enough, i drink less now than before i was 21....scary thought, eh? infact, my drug consumption over the past 6 months has been steadily decreasing. I've found alot more solace in friendship than drugs, for once. (and on one, two, three, get down to the FUNK!) *dance*
doing fairly good, finally( i repeat FINALLY) going to college for something worthwhile(sports broadcasting, w00t)this fall/winter.
Might be enlisting for the armed services here shortly, but i'm still not decided on that. (If i do, I'll join the Naveh, just for the travelling aspect of it.) But i hardly want to work in the military under Bush, even though he's really not that horrible of a president.
MMmm... i dont really have much more to say. so... Peace out!