i hate dress shoes that cause blisters

Oct 28, 2004 14:30

i have bilateral pinky toe blisters and they hurt
i had a job interview today
i hate job interviews
and i have the problem that most people when the first meet me dont like me b/c i am shy
still one of my favorite lines...
"ashley i thought you were a bitch but dude you cool your really cool"
anyways ill hear back by wednesday
it went well

so i rode with LSEMS for the first time on tuesday and i ride again tomorrow 5am is too early to be awake especially when you know the next time you see your apartment will be after 11 pm... but it was a good day we had 4 pts which is more than i usually get... how lake sumter works is different than osceola b/c osceola is also fire... lake sumter is just the ems side... but anyways it as weird not to have 5 medics on every scene like in osceola... little bit more responsibility and more hands on things... and it was funny one of the pts lives in my old apartment complex... i dont know about the medic i am working with though... he is really really grumpy i dont think i have ever heard "fucking cocksucker" more times in one day... but he is cool to me and the emt... there were a few things that he did that i questioned but what you learn in school is diffrent than what you do in the field...
oh crap i just remembered i have a clinical tomorrow and saturday morning until 3p... john murph and i get to watch babies be born together...
i got a lecture on tuesday about being engaged and getting married so young.. he said it will be the biggest mistake of both of our lives... that we are missing out on all the things that being in your early 20's bring... i dont know i wouldnt trade kevin for the world but sometimes i have to agree that it is hard being 21 and being that commited to someone... sometimes i wish that kevin and i just met a little later in life... dont get me wrong i am really happy being with kevin and know i will be forever just sometimes i feel as if we are both missing out on something... and i feel just as guilty thinking it as i do about taking that part of kevins life away... but it is really nice knowing that i never have to worry about anything that whenever i get home ill have kevin there to make me smile... and being single brings too much drama... i mean i am really glad it is like it is but sometimes its hard not to think of the other side...
anyways i am going back to studying babies and kids
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