1 Tumblr graphic - How I Met Your Mother (Robin)
1 Picspam - White Collar (Peter/El)
1 Ipod Wallpaper - Arrow
3 Wallpapers - Glee (Britney/Brittany, Kurt/Blaine, Sam/Quinn)
2 Sigtags - Fringe (Peter, Olivia)
1 Silhouette - Doctor Who (Ten/Rose)
5 Icons - Being Human (Annie, Mitchell, Annie/Mitchell)
Tumblr - How I Met Your Mother - Robin
Picspam - White Collar - Peter/El
Also fills the 'snuggles' square on my
cottoncandybingo card. El knows Peter needs cuddles after dealing with Neal! Click to enlarge!
Iphone/Ipod Wallie - Arrow
Wallpapers - Glee
(I'm new to making wallpapers so bear with me!)
Britney/Brittany 1200x800 though a black background will make it fit anything. (Plus 2 alts!) Fills the 'muse' square on my
cottoncandybingo card.
Kurt/Blaine 1200x800. The boys at Breadstix. Fills the 'restaurant' square on my
cottoncandybingo card.
Sam/Quinn 1200x800. Dueting on 'Lucky'. Fills the 'four leaf clover' square on my
cottoncandybingo card (yes, that is a clover texture, though you might need to squint!)
Sigtags - Fringe - Peter and Olivia
Silhouette - Doctor Who - Ten/Rose
Also fills the wild card square on my
cottoncandybingo card as 'Forever'. Click to enlarge!
Icons - Being Human - Annie and Mitchell (5 plus 1 alt)