My top five characters. :) This took some thinking... but I came up with a list that i am happy about AND includes the 1 character who had the most largest affect on my life and will ALWAYS be a favorite for that reason. ♥
My five favorite characters from 5-1.
5) Lwaxana Troi
I love Lwaxana because she is simply Auntie Mame in space. I love her sense of humor, honor, strength, and chemestry with Picard. Yes, Yes, I Am a Lwaxana/Jean-Luc shipper. Have been since the moment they met.
4) Vala Mal Doran
I will admit, I have only seen Seasons 9 and 10 of Stargate and I watched them for Claudia. I love Vala for everything I loved about Lwaxana. Well, except for the honor part. Vala has honor. mostly. :D ♥
3) Hilary Winslow Booth
Hilary is a bitch. But she is also an emotional, extremely strong, very headstrong, very loving woman who is every but the amazing actress she claims herself to be. The song Bitch... totally written about Hilary Booth. *nods*
2) Aeryn Sun
Aeryn is the BAMFiest BAMF who ever BAMFed. Your argument is invalid. Seriously, Aeryn's journey from Soldier to Mother was the most amazing and incredible journey to see unfold. She never lost sight of who she was, but in the end FOUND herself. Being Irreversibly Contaminated... was the beginning of her life. She is an amazing woman and I wish I could be like her.
1) Bruce (the shark from JAWS)
Ok, this may seem an odd choice for number 1, but I saw JAWS in the theatre (Original RUN baby!) I was 9 years old and 9 year old me left that theatre scared to sleep in a waterbed (seriously. LOL) BUT also with a complete and utter fascination for sharks that continues to this day. (Shark Week, people.. Greatest. Week. EVAR) That mechanical shark opened up a whole world for me and I spent the rest of that summer in the library reading anything and everything I could find about sharks. So for this reason (and for Seniority alone... ) Bruce the shark is hands down my favorite character.