Lyrical Confusion

Mar 16, 2011 17:06

There's a girl I teach English to. Well, mostly we talk in English about different subjects. And since she likes, well you know, Miley Cyrus and Selena Gomez and the lot I thought, hey we could look at some lyrics and read them, and talk about them and stuff. And this is when I made an important (well not really) discovery:

Justin Bieber's lyrics make no sense at all.

And not in the 'ooh he's metaphorical and I'm not sure I get it but I get the point' kind of way but in the straight forward 'I get the point but these are just random phrases strung together' way. I mean the point was he just needs somebody (anybody!) to love. But the actual bits around that made no sense at all.

Not that I am advocating irrational Bieber hatred here. It's just....what?


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