Hand-waving Arm-Flapping Glee!

Oct 04, 2010 12:02

Roller derby! Because I have talked the ears off everyone I know and they're like "Okay, Okay we get it you like Roller Derby. Now please shut up!"

So, Roller Derby. I read Whip It a couple of weeks ago and was like 'what is this Roller Derby they speak of?' so I had to use my friend Google. And the first thing that comes up when you type in 'Roller Derby' is 'Roller Derby Berlin'


Yes, Berlin has a Derby team and I proceeded to drag everyone I could convince to the game that was going to happen in a few weeks. And then it turned out the Roller Derby was like omg awesome and wheeee and a sport that actually looked like I would enjoy it! (I usually hate sports, specifically anything that involves running. I'm useless too. But this, this has ROLLERSKATES)

So saturday I actually managed to get out to one of the trainings and the girls are also omg awesome and so nice and I love them and I am so going to do this!

I start on Wednesday. ^^

roller derby is the shiz

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