More on those pesky silly sounding angels and demons BLEGH

Sep 18, 2010 02:21


Two sides, in all basicality the modern rendition of hevan and hell but without the afterdeathly effects. They would be more of a real, livng threat, though considered more of a myth or legend or even just a passing tale to those whom the War does not directly affect.

SO LIKE, THESE TWO SIDES ARE FIGHTING FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER and they always have, and always will, EVEN ONTO THE UNDOING OF THE EARTH and all that jazz even though it will, probably, eventually, all end anyway and there might only be a few randoms left for anything.

THE KINGS. Known only as such, the two leaders of the opposing sides. Despite the labels of angel and demon, they are both unknowingly cruel and unforgiving in their actions. It is not a matter of 'evil vs. good' for them, its more or less just 'me vs you' without any of the stereotypical limitations.

BASICALLY 'Angels' (referred to just as such from now on for conviniency's sake) can be just as cruel and spiteful and violent as Demons. Some of the more famous ones or the higher-ranking Generals could even surpass some demon cruelty of legend. HOWEVER THAT DOES NOT DEMEAN EITHER SIDES' CAPACITY FOR DESTRUCTION they are both pretty equally badass and shit y'know.

ON THE FLIPSIDE there are also angels and demons on either side who are suprisingly nice and compassionate and caring and have things that might even resemble SOULS and FEELINGS and LOVE and ALL THOSE OTHER PESKY LITTLE EMOTIONS THAT MAKE DICK PUNCHING SO HARD.

Obviously thoe more badass you are and the more of the OTHER SIDE/or just about any other living thing you kill the more HIGHER RANKED YOU ARE and obviously the more dangerous.


THE KINGS are the first of either side t have been created. Possibly by one of the Gods, not sure who, not sure why, but maybe one day I shall think of a reason.

They exist as the polar opposites of angels and demons because.....well, thats what the Gods called them, so thats what the people called them, and since they are beings of Power who should technically only ever exist in the Underlayer then they just, took on this idea and moulded their Kingdoms after them.


Also, one can't exist without the other. Also, their power will pretty much usually always be balanced, unless there is a GREAT WAR happening but in the end it will always balance out. ALSO THEIR ARMIES ALWAYS TEND TO BE THE SAME SIZE NO MATTER WHAT and despite any or all 'secret cults' or 'assassination rings' they try to create, if one makes it, the other shall as well. They are basically pshycically linked without realising it? This, might also be the plan in that they want to be the only one that exists.

The only one as in like, the first. The most powerful. The almighty voice and only King of the Legion of the Underlayer blahblahblshgfd all that fancy shit BASICALLY THE MOST POWERFUL FOREVER except that will probably never happen and they are both bitches.

Props androgynous, more than likely close to identical or at least mirror images. After awhile the Kings start to fade away into little more than legend and even the Armies lower ranks start to doubt their existance? This is what starts all the other little branches and plots, all the powerplay amoung the lower ranks and all the small fry that manage to wander out into the world without ever having fought. The Kings are too busy dwelling over their brothers' demise and the Higher Ranks are too busy trying to get the spot of MOST FAVOURITE or some shit.

They also never have anything to do with the Wars of people or mortals or humans or WHAT HAVE YOU ALL THOSE OTHER LIL' DUDES DOWN THERE but, they CAN be used by them.

Which can be extremely inconvinient.


Demon or Angel seals can be dangerous buisness. Usually, someone with some degree of control over rivers of power or underlayer sight is the only one who can controll one of them at all (mostly because they are tampering with the very fabric that creates them and holds them to the world where they play. None of the Armies want to be sent back to the underlayer, cause they like free will too much. Even under the tyrrinal control of the Kings, it is more than they ever had while they were only weak specks of sentience in the Flow.)

But, yeah--- thinking of sticking with the concept of Mages beforehand, the swirl or double swirl would be an effect that still exists. Probs because Sovena doesn't know a world where Mages aren't around. So they end up (through Sovena in some unconcious way??) regaining some of their empathic abilities, but then through that expectation and encouragement becoming a main kind of race with some kind of otherworldly control.

tl;dr, magic isnt for everyone and some folks can use it better.

BUT WHEN THEY GET THEIR HANDS ON ONE OF THESE UNDERLAYER DUDES, the more powerful the creature the harder it is to keep safe/controlled/LOYAL???? Except tying one of them to yourself can end badly if they are too powerful cause if you don't lay down the rules right and ocver ALL THE LOOPHOLES then they will just kill you and be on their merry old way.

ON THE RARE OCCASIONS THAT ONE OF THEM GETS SEALED TO A MORTAL/IMMORTAL BUT ONCE MORTAL/NOT A FUCKING UNDERLING OKAY then that shit is like, untill one of them dies and even then if its for long enough, it can end up just creating an immortal if they weren't already. Also the underling would try to keep them alive at all costs anyway to keep from dying themselves and ending up back as raw power.


But if a human/etc is sealed to an underling by one of higher power/a King/a God/etcetc then it lasts untill one of them dies and can never be removed.

HNGGHHHHH i think that is all. Oh, also, underlings generally never share their own power when they have been forcibly contracted. But when they are sealed, their power is automatically shared, as is their perception and wellbeing. Its basically a completely dependent relationship? Laaaawwlllll i am rambling.


Seals upon either Army get more complicated as they rise to power. Every basic soldier has a seal that places them under their respective Kings' command, and also signifies which side they are on in battle. There are of course, some that are spies and created with the others' seal, but this is an exception. As one goes through the ranks and gains power, the seal becomes more intricate and controlling. This is so the Kings' do not loose the respect and alleigance of the more powerful soilders and they cannot be stolen from them.

Age, power, rank and personal reflections will affect the intricacy of the seals. They can reside anywhere on the body, and differ in colour. No two designs are alike, although the same basic shapes and design concepts are always used.

Personally created soldiers made by the Kings before the rivers were sealed have seals over most of their bodies (even internal organs) and are the most loyal/ovrzealous. Those created using Mages or other channeling people need to have them inscribed (whether a burn or a tattoo) immidietly after creation.

Mortals/humans/immortals under control/etcetc will have the basic imp seal if they are under Army controll.

AND NOW I AM BRAINDEAD and it is two AM and i must sleep. ADIEU.


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