(no subject)

Apr 15, 2011 02:49

title : she's my sugar spun sister
pairing/fandom : emily/alo friendship, mini/alo, emily/naomi, nick/katie, franky/effy, liv/tony
rating : pg-13 - swearing, drinking
word count : 2969
summary : Alo and Ems bond over being gingers and their appreciation for tits and fanny. (And then get real and give each other relationship advice.)
a/n : For the Skins Ficathon! Prompt was by youtoxic.

So, there's a lot of cross-gen loving in this fic.

And no Matty. He got lost.

But I'm in love with Nick/Katie now. And there's some solid Katie/Mini best friendship in this one.

I'm actually pretty pleased with this one and that never happens.

Title from The Stone Roses.

she’s got a smile that it seems to me
reminds me of childhood memories
where everything was as fresh as the bright blue sky

“I fucking hate this song,” Rich moaned. Alo smirked at Grace’s obvious eye roll.

Only Rich could find something to complain about on a great fucking night like this one. The first bit of good news that summer came when Nick and Matty announced that their father had found a new girlfriend.

A new girlfriend who lived in Bath.

A new girlfriend who lived in Bath who he would be visiting every weekend.

“Cheer up, mate! It’s a great party!” Alo said enthusiastically, cracking open a new beer. “All our mates are here, old and new.” Alo’s eyes drifted over to the dance floor, where Liv and Mini were dancing up a storm. He caught Mini’s eye and waved.

“Ugh,” a voice came from behind him. Alo spun to see one of the newest additions to his friend roster. “Can you stop flirting with your little girlfriend for one moment and do me a favour!”

Katie had a unique way of turning a request into a demand.

She and Mini had that in common.

Alo felt himself flush slightly against his will. “She’s not my girlfriend, you know that, Katie-kins.”

Katie scoffed as Nick came behind her and draped himself over her back, hands roaming in thoroughly inappropriate places.

Another major change that the group faced that summer was the addition of Katie Fitch. Admittedly, no one believed Nick when he waltzed into Alo’s van, declaring that he had a new, older girlfriend.

How wrong they were.

If they had known better, they would know that Katie Fitch was not an existence to deny. She swept into their lives, dominating all factions. She introduced new friends into their already odd-crew. Her friend Effy’s brother, Tony, almost immediately took a liking to Liv. She knocked down his bullshit right away, declaring him a “wanker” before forcing him to buy her a shot and dance.

It was hard not to fancy that.

It took a little longer for Katie and Mini. They were too different and too similar. Mini was jealous of Katie’s effortless confidence, which seemed to radiate off of her, causing others to cower in her wake. Katie despised the way she felt the world fall at Mini’s feet.

And Nick.

Katie couldn’t help but hate Mini for having Nick first, even if Katie had Nick in a way Mini never could.

Their rivalry could never last long, though. Katie felt the need to take the younger girl under her wing, to be the big sister that Mini never had and Emily never let her be. Mini and Katie told each other everything.

Mini’s sexuality and faltering crush on Franky.

Katie’s jealousy of her sister.

Mini’s eating issues.

Katie’s fears about Effy.

Mini’s budding crush on Alo.

(Though Alo wasn’t aware of that one.)

“I need you to hang out with my sister,” Katie snapped. Her composure broke suddenly and she let out a giggle. “Stop it, babes!” Katie said as Nick kissed down her neck.

Alo looked down at his beer bottle, out of common courtesy. “Why should I hang out with your sister?”

“She and her… girlfriend,” Katie spit out with considerable venom. “Are back from holiday. She doesn’t really know anyone here and the ones she does, she hates. She’ll like you. You’re both obsessed with girls and porn.”

Alo’s head snapped up with a grin. “Sounds like my kind of woman.”

Katie glared at him. “Three things, firecrotch.”

“That’s a new one,” Alo muttered.

“One, she’s gay. Two, if you’re leading Mini on, I’ll kill you. Three, in your dreams,” Katie said firmly, grabbing a bottle of vodka off the kitchen counter. “Now go talk to Emily.”

Alo sighed, deciding not to question Katie. “Which one is your sister?”

“The one that looks like me. Duh!” Katie turned in Nick’s arms to face him. “Now I want you to kiss me, Nicholas.”

Nick beamed down at his new girlfriend before diving in.

Alo glanced back at Rich and Grace, who were in a similar embrace. He looked over at Mini, who was now dancing with Franky, Franky’s new… something, Effy Stonem, and a very drunk blonde stranger.

Mini looked up at him through her hair and smiled, waving again. Alo gave her a salute before beginning his search.

It wasn’t long before he found the Katie look-alike leaning against a living room wall, picking at the label of her beer bottle. Alo squeezed through the drunk teenagers.

“Hey!” He exclaimed when he reached her. “How’s it going? I’m Alo!” The redhead’s eyes drifted up to him. “I’m Nick’s friend,” Alo clarified, feeling increasingly awkward.

“Emily,” the girl said with a small smile. “Katie’s sister. She sent you over here to take care of me, right?”

Alo shook his head. “No, no… well, yeah.” He admitted. “She said you just got back from holiday. Where did you go?”

Emily’s smile grew. “Everywhere! We started in Mexico, then came back to Europe and travelled from Greece up to France, then back here before we start university in a few weeks.”

“Fuck, that sounds amazing!” Alo exclaimed. “I have a weird thing for French chicks.”

“You and me both!” Emily said enthusiastically. “They’re so fashionable and seductive. When I was there, yeah, they would do this little thing that we British girls could never get away with. When you’re sitting outside at cafes, if you catch their eye, they’ll give you a little smirk over their coffee cup as if they know what you’re thinking.”

“I think I’d get kicked out of France if they knew what I was thinking!” Alo joked. He and Emily clanged beer bottles in solidarity.

“I was surprised they let me stay, to be honest!” Emily laughed. “The girls everywhere was amazing.” Emily glanced from side to side slyly before leaning in closer to Alo. “If I wasn’t in a relationship, I would have fucked my way around.”

“I don’t blame you, if I was a hot chick, I’d do the same,” Alo admitted. He pondered his last sentence for a brief moment. “Actually, if I was a hot chick, I’d just glue a mirror to my celling and never leave my room.”

The two drifted into a silence, thinking over the matter, both turning their eyes to the dance floor.

Franky and Effy had drifted off somewhere, leaving Mini dancing with the strange blonde. He had to admit, their dancing was far from sexy, but he couldn’t help but feel the weirdest mix of jealousy and a little turned on.

He knew enough about Mini to feel slightly guilty when she winked at him.

“It’s hot, isn’t it?” Emily’s voice pierced through his thoughts. “Watching your girlfriend dance with another girl.”

“Mini isn’t my girlfriend,” Alo said, looking back at Emily.

That was quickly becoming his catch phrase.

“We’re just good mates,” he added with a shrug.

Emily laughed slightly. “Maybe for now. You see that girl she’s dancing with?”

“I couldn’t miss her,” Alo said quickly before taking a quick sip from his beer.

“She’s my girlfriend.” Emily finished with a raised eyebrow.

“And you get off on seeing her with other girls?” Alo asked, shocked at the revelation.

“Don’t you get off on watching girl-on-girl?” Emily inquired.

“Well, of course,” Alo said, waving his hand. “But that’s different. She’s your girlfriend. I mean, it’s hot, but I have to admit that I’m a little jealous that she’s dancing with another girl who might get it off with her.”

Emily looked up at him, puzzled. “Why would you be jealous that she’s dancing with a girl.”

“Mini’s bisexual,” Alo clarified. “I mean, I know her well enough that I can’t be that jealous that she’s dancing with another girl.”

“I thought she wasn’t your girlfriend?” Emily asked, amused.

“Well, she isn’t… she’s not… not yet. We haven’t talked about it or anything, but there are… feelings on both sides,” Alo finished awkwardly.

Emily laughed. “It sounds like an easy relationship.” She stayed silent for a moment. “That doesn’t explain why you wouldn’t be that jealous, though.”

Alo shrugged, looking towards Mini dancing. Her golden hair swayed back and forth as she swayed. Her loud laughter filled the living room as Liv and Franky bounded towards her, joining her and Emily’s girlfriend as More Than A Feeling began drifting out of the stereo.

She was almost too beautiful to be real. Everyone knew that. They didn’t know how funny she could be, or helpful, or wise. She wouldn’t let other people know that. People outside of their small circle.

“Mini’s the type of girl that will fancy you and only you for as long as you’ll have her. She can be incredibly loyal when it comes to that sort of thing. She has really strong convictions when it comes to relationships, she’d basically do anything to make a relationship work. I don’t get it, Nick and Franky, I don’t understand how they could miss her and just fancy other people when they had Mini begging them to fancy her.” Alo took a swig of his beer. “Their loss.”

“Your gain,” Emily finished softly. “You’re so fucking lucky, I hope you know that.”

“I do,” Alo interjected.

“I fucking love Naomi, more than anything. She doesn’t make it easy on me, though. I have to fight her every step of the way.” Emily took a swig from her beer. “Don’t get me wrong, Alo, I’d do it all over again. Sometimes I just wonder how it’s going to end.”

“You don’t know that it’s going to end,” Alo mentioned.

Emily shook her head sadly. “It will. We can’t go on like this forever. If I’m honest, we should have broken up a year ago. I just love her so much, I can’t. I worked too hard for her to see her walk away.”

Alo stayed silent, not knowing what to say. He racked his brain, looking for any piece of comfort he could give his new friend.

“It will never really be over, though,” he began slowly. “After all, you’ll always have had her. You’ll always have loved her. Maybe you’ll find another girl somewhere who you can love and maybe she can, but that’s later. If you’re together now, then be together now. Don’t waste your time together thinking of all the bad shit. Just wait and see how it goes.”

Alo paused.

“That makes sense, right?”

Emily sniffed and looked up at him, nodding. “That makes a lot of fucking sense, Alo.” Emily shook her head and smirked at him. “So what are you going to do about Mini? How are you going to ‘win her over’?” Emily asked, complete with air quotes.

Alo sighed. “I have no fucking clue. It’s pretty pathetic, to be honest. We always have these weird telly-like moments where we just stare at each other for a second. If there was always indie music in the background, we’d be such a fucking cliché.”

Emily laughed loudly at that. “God, I’ve been there, mate! So you don’t have a plan, basically.”

Alo shook his head. “Not at all. I’m not particularly good at the whole dating thing.”

“That’s cool, though. I think you could just go with it, let it happen on it’s own. Maybe make a move tonight or tomorrow to get the ball rolling.” Emily necked the rest of her drink, placing the empty bottle on a nearby table. “You fancy her, though. That’s obvious,” Emily stated factually.

“Great,” Alo said sarcastically.

“And I think she fancies you.” Emily finished.

“You don’t even know her.” Alo sighed, frowning down at his beer bottle.

“Well, no, but I’ve been watching her watch you and glare at me like I’m David fucking Cameron and she’s anything other than overly posh-”

“That’s a really weird metaphor,” Alo interrupted.

“And,” Emily continued with a glare. “Katie likes to gossip.”

Alo opened his mouth to respond.

“Hey Farm Boy!” Alo peeled his eyes away from Emily to see Mini smiling brightly at him. She pulled his bottle from his hand before taking a large drink. “This is Naomi!” She said, motioning to the blonde behind her.

“Hey,” Alo said with a small wave. “I’m Alo.”

“I know,” Naomi said slyly, raising an eyebrow at him.

Mini shook her head, embarrassed. Her earrings clinged as they knocked against her neck.

“I was wondering if I could steal my girlfriend for a dance?” Naomi continued, holding her hand out to Emily.

Alo looked over to Emily, who gave him a small smile before placing her hand in Naomi’s.

“I could never deny such a request of love,” Alo declared with a wave of his hand.

Naomi leaned over, kissing Emily. This, of course, brought on a chorus of catcalls from Nick’s ex-team mates.

“Oh, fuck off, Rider!” Mini exclaimed with an eye roll. She leaned over to Emily and Naomi. “He’s such a closet case,” she said in a mock whisper. The rugby players, sans Rider, laughed loudly at that comment, turning their attention to their embarrassed captain.

Emily and Naomi waved to their two new friends before moving towards the “dance floor”.

“I need a drink!” Mini exclaimed, pulling Alo towards the kitchen. They zig-zagged between their various duos of snogging friends before reaching their destinations. “So,” Mini said brightly as she began mixing her drink. “Did you have fun with Katie’s sister?”

“Yeah,” Alo began as he leaned against the counter. “She’s an awesome girl. Really laid back. Very easy to talk to.”
Mini hummed, glancing up at him briefly. She moved over to the fridge and grabbed him a new beer before settling next to him against the counter.

“Thanks, Minerva,” he said before opening the bottle. He gave her a small half-smile, looking down at her. She smiled up at him for a moment before diverting her attention.

“Is she anything like Katie?” She asked, running a finger over the rim of her plastic cup.

Alo scoffed. “No. Not at all. You wouldn’t even be able to tell that they’re sisters.” He paused. “Well, except for their faces.”

Mini laughed. “Well, Naomi had nothing but awesome things to say about her. They must really be in love.”

Alo shifted slightly. “Yeah, Emily was the same.”

The two lapsed into silence again, smiling at each other.

“Ugh!” Nick groaned as he came into the kitchen. Alo’s attention snapped to his much more dishevelled best friend. “Just fuck already! You’re boring me.”

“Nick!” Katie snapped, coming up behind him. She slapped him on the arm. “What the fuck are you doing?” She turned towards the two embarrassed teens. “Sorry for Nick’s stupidity.”

“You say it to them all the time!” Nick whined as he pulled some Gatorade out of the fridge.

“I say it to them individually. There’s a distinct difference.” Katie said sharply, walking over to Mini and Alo. “Well, it wasn’t like neither of you didn’t know.” She pulled Mini’s cup out of her hand and took a sip. “Mmm, this is good! You need to mix me one of these.”

“Sure thing, babes,” Mini said, rolling her eyes towards Alo. Alo crossed his arms and smirked down at the blonde before she pushed off the counter and moved around the kitchen to repeat her earlier actions.

Nick slid into Mini’s vacated spot. “Fuck, mate. If Mini is anything like Katie, you’re in for some work.” He paused, downing a huge gulp of Gatorade. “She… she gets it done.”

“Sure, mate,” Alo said, slapping Nick on the back. “Great party, by the way.”

“Yeah, it’s pretty great,” Nick agreed, glancing around. “Holy shit, is Franky snogging Katie’s hot friend?” He exclaimed suddenly.

Alo looked over at Katie and Mini, who both rolled their eyes before laughing together in that harsh, bitchy way they generally laughed together, before dissolving into gossipy whispers.

“So, how’s Katie’s sister? The gay one.” Nick clarified.

“Doesn’t she only have one?” Alo waited for Nick’s shrug before continuing. “She’s really cool. Her girlfriend’s nice as well, from what I hear.”

“Their brother is the stuff of legends. First time I met him, do you know what he said? He said, ‘Katie finds a way to make her tits look bigger, but they’re good anyway’. What a fucking creep!” Nick laughed, taking another drink. “I fucking love him!”

“Katie wants to start a drinking game,” Mini said, walking back to Alo. “She wants you to help her set it up,” she told Nick.

Nick sighed, before smiling brightly. “The pain and wonder of being a boyfriend,” he said, stretching his arms out before helping Katie. Alo glanced over at Emily and Naomi, who were making their way into the kitchen.

“So,” Mini started, bringing Alo’s attention back to her. “I was thinking that I could maybe crash in your van tonight? My mum’s new boyfriend is so fucking loud and annoying, I’d rather not deal.”

“Yeah, sure, no worries,” Alo said, attempting to be cool. “You always have a place with me.”

“I know,” Mini said softly. “Now we better get to this game or Katie will freak,” Mini said a little louder, grasping Alo’s hand to pull him out to the porch where Katie and Nick were setting up the game.

Alo glanced over his shoulder at Emily, who gave him a thumbs up. Naomi winked at him before making a lewd gesture with her hands.

Lesbian friends were the best.

mini/alo, fic, skins

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