(no subject)

Oct 29, 2010 23:13

Title: Best Best Friend Ever
Rating: G
Pairing: Britta/Troy, BFF 4EVAS TROY/ABED
Spoilers: Up to 2x06
Word Count: 334
Summary: After Halloween, Abed steps into the shoes of the best best friends in television history to confront Troy.
A/N: Movin' my agenda along...


“So,” Troy started, glancing over at Abed quickly before looking away. “Britta looked adorable in her costume, don’t you think?”

Abed glanced over at his best friend. His eyes narrowed. Ever the student of human behaviour, he took in Troy’s appearance. His unwavering stare, seeing but not watching as the credits for Marmaduke scrolled by. His hands, shiny with butter, were playing with the last kernels in the bowl. The wrinkle over his left eye.

“Yeah,” Abed said slowly. Abed struggled about what to do next. It was time to put himself in the shoes of the great supportive sidekicks of television, the Willow, the Turk, the Will. “She said she liked the jeans you wore on Tuesday.”

Close enough.

Troy’s head snapped over to Abed. “Really? She said that?”

“Yes. Why? Do you care?” Abed asked, raising an eyebrow.

“What? Me? No! Why would I care? I mean, we all like getting compliments, I don’t see why it’s weird. What?” Troy babbled as his cheeks turned red.

“Do you have a crush on her?” Abed asked, struggling with the right words.

Troy’s eyes widened comically. “Wh-what? Abed, why would you ask that? Of course n- I mean she’s really pretty and smart and, okay, she’s not funny and she says bagels wrong and she wears leather jackets, even though she’s a vegetarian, but still… why won’t this sentence end?”

Abed paused. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

“Don’t tell anyone,” Troy said seriously. “I mean, she’s… she’ll never go for me.” Troy glanced over at the clock. “I’m going to go to sleep now, okay?” Abed nodded as Troy crawled into the bottom bunk, his back towards Abed.

Abed started turning off the lights around the room and peeled off his leotard.

A plan began to form in his head. He knew what he had to do. It was his duty, as the best best friend in the world, to make sure that Troy hit that.

troy/britta, community

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