Nov 17, 2007 10:51
I don’t understand how I - who try so hard to get good grades - go to all of the classes and write all of the papers and turn them in on time, participate in all of the discussions still fall short of achieving the desired grade. I have always been a student engaged in all of the discussions - I have always been very prompt when turning in all of my papers. I have always had relationships with most of my professors. I know that I am not totally insane to be baffled by all of this. My professors have given me grades which I feel do not reflect the amount of time and energy I’ve spent in their classes and outside of them writing papers. I talk to these people - I ask questions, not because no one else is but because I am curious by nature. I want to know why I can try as hard as I might and still get a grade which I see as not what I deserve. I want to know why and how people who are not of my same skin color - no, no there isn’t any proof - can waste time outside of class and not even open their mouths in it and still get A’s. I want to know how professors, teachers can live with themselves when they give B’s to people who think they have devoted themselves to school and disappoint, discourage them by not giving them A’s. I want to know how I can care about something all my life which hardly ever brings me joy and many disappointments. So why give myself to something why spend days writing a paper, loving writing it because I love words and turn it in and get it back to find a B or C?
Why can’t I write an A paper for once?
It’s always What you have is good you didn’t write enough?