May 27, 2007 23:53
Life sucks as of now. I fucking hate the summer. I've got less than thirty bucks to make fun with and it is dwindling fast. I can't find a job and all the people out there who say I haven't tried hard enough can just go somewhere. I'm still trying. I've checked the Chicago Reader, I've checked Craig's list. Most of the shit on there is clearly labeled EXP needed. I don't have any god damn experience in anything! How the hell am I gonna get experience if no one will hire me. What sucks the most is that I really need a job because I neeed to save money for my off-campus study program but nothing is forthcoming. What really gives me hope is when I listened to my mom's friend tell me that she never had luck with getting a summer job during college, and that you really need to have connections. I have no connections, all my relatives are drooling septuagenarians who live off of 400 dollar/a month pensions and all of my cousins work for CDW or are flotsam. To top it off my computer is not working. Right now I'm sitting with a bright ass light directed at my computer screen, without it I can't see a thing. My computer screen isn't working, my goddamn computer screen isn't working and thing thing isn't even three years old! Fucking laptops. Took it to the geeksquad and the guy said it would cost as much to fix the damn thing as to get a new one. aT this rate I don't even want to go on the trip anymore. It's too goddamn expensive and I'd rather have my computer back.
I was seriously thinking about being a prosistute or an escort - I mean it's easy money and probably the only thing I have EXPERIENCE for. Fuck!
I fucking hate life!
Why does it have to be so hard.