Hey look, a post! And *gasp* a non-religious, doesn't-make-you-uncomfortable one at that!! (Don't worry, I'm sure I'll be complaining about the White House's vetting of prayers in no time...)
But for now, an update! Since I haven't posted anything about my life events in ages, let's go with a handy list of things I think are worth mentioning. Keep in mind that my idea of worth mentioning is "I got a German grammar, yay!!!" so.... read with caution.
--In November I attended the annual conference for the *deep breath* Classical Association of the Middle West and South--Southern Section. *collapses, picks self up off floor* Which was in Asheville, NC. Those of us with poor air support call it CAMWS-SS, which is harder to pronounce ("Cam wuss") but much shorter and in-the-know-er sounding. Anyhow, while there I presented a paper in front of a bunch (well, not a bunch, but some) of really smart classicists who were kind enough to not ask me impossible questions after I was finished. Huzzah!
--After CAMWS, I visited the U of Cincinnati's classics department, where I applied to grad school. They took me on a tour and fed me and put me up with two very nice grad students who told me I could have their apartment next year if I come to Cin. :D
--Applied to 4 grad schools: Yale, Cincinnati, Indiana, and U of Michigan. I've since heard back from three; Indiana has offered me an Assistant Instructorship (= stipend!), and Cin and U of M put me on their short lists and asked me to come visit on Grad Student Weekend, which is what they use to make their final decisions about who gets money.
--I graduated from GV!! Yaaayyyyyy!!! The best part was the promotional video they showed before the ceremony about how great GV is. Umm, I'm graduating, guys. Show it to high school seniors!!
--Visited Cin this past weekend for the above-mentioned Grad Student Weekend. All of the potential grad students were really awesome--I could definitely see myself working with them for the next seven (!) years. We had a pizza gathering at Kathleen Lynch's house Thursday night with some really AWESOME pizza (from a place called Dewey's), and then Friday was full from 8am-11pm. We had a tour, faculty research talks, group meetings, individual meetings (*twitch*), library tour (*drool*), Starbucks, and finally a party at a grad student's house where everyone who arrived brought a 6-pack of beer (for some reason, this really amused me.) Now I have to wait for I-don't-know-how-long to hear whether or not they want me enough to offer me money. Ack!!
--Visiting U of M next weekend for the same process. Pray hard! Really really hard!
--Last October I was interviewed for an article that GV Magazine was doing on the Classics Dept. at GV. We also did a photo shoot (tee hee!) with me and the incunabulum I used for my senior thesis. The magazine came out a few days ago, and I was rather shocked to see myself on the cover!!
Here is the article if anyone wants to read it. Can't find a link to the cover, but suffice to say, it's me and a really old book. :D
--I got a German grammar!! Yay! (Hey, I warned you!)
...I think that's it. Reading Greek and Latin slowly, learning German, doodling with my spiffy new tablet, should be sewing but haven't been, been baking a lot and feeding the resulting creations to the Classics Society.. etc.
....does anything else think the "nervous" kitty looks like he drank a gallon of espresso?