Challenge Vidlet: Saul Tigh: A & B

Oct 23, 2008 20:55

Title: Saul Tigh: A & B
Video: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
Audio: A & B Song - Tom McRae
Summary: Colonial officer or Cylon infiltrator: which is real? Is the difference only a projection?
Editor's Notes: My thanks to cyborganize for giving me an easy ride on this one because changing anything would have been heartbreaking. This is in response to thearchive2's ninth challenge: projection. I'm using it here in a more psychological than technological sense.

Direct download available here. 20 megs approx. RightClickSaveAs!

Cross-posted to galactica_vids and vidding

why:09-projection, where:gen, when:series, what:vid, who:tigh, x_beccatoria

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