I am not an automaton.
I am not devoid of emotion, or life,
Or the things that make us human;
I am vivacity, vibrance, passion,
Physically expressed not as intimacy or seduction,
But as art, and music, and bared soul.
I am not incapable of love,
Simply because I need no lover;
I am kindness, company, compassion,
All formed from bonds of the heart,
And I crave warmth, affirmation and affection,
As much as everyone else.
I am not my desires,
And I will not be defined by such;
You will not reduce me down to my biology,
Nor my background, my gender or orientation,
I am not a construct of the superficial,
And you will not make me less than human.
- Thea "Hughes" Pound
To my fellow aces, and my aro allies: never let them tell you that you are broken, unlovable or lesser. You are perfect just the way you are. You are valid. And you are more than your orientation.