I'm still trying to figure out Comicpress and Wordpress for my team website... A friend of mine, Aphex, who, if things go well, will publish his graphic novel in Barnes and Nobles by April, told me that he used those programs as a base for his site. I downloaded them, but I just have to figure out how the hell I'm supposed to use 'em... Give or take a month, things should be rolling smoothly.
On the more creative side, CU and I have been fleshing out designs for the site. I'll have to get ready to type up backstories for a good load of characters and etc. when the time comes. May as well get started on 'em now, right?
http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/5973/characterarthur16.jpg http://img534.imageshack.us/img534/7449/charactermerlin.jpg http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/5577/characterkay.jpg http://img683.imageshack.us/img683/8822/charactervenilisa.jpg Current designs for "Avalon", a King Arthur-based story =D
Pardon Merlin's near-nudity. I'm going to have a talk with CU about some design issues here and there, but I like what we have so far! CottonTale will also be up on the website. Avalon has been in the works for a long while, but CottonTale is still relatively fresh. I need a bit more work on it, but it should be ready by launch.
http://animatrixie.deviantart.com/art/Bunny-Knight-149770767 http://animatrixie.deviantart.com/art/General-Termite-149597788 Jill, a friend of mine, helped me finalize some CottonTale designs =D The main heroine, Cecile, is just plain adorable!
I'm hoping a lot out of all this!