Having attended neither a "real" hip-hop club or a Kill Whitey party, I can't say to what extent either Ms. Casady insinuates the blackness of the hardcore attendants at the clubs or Mr. Dean plays up the intentional irony of the Kill Whitey festivities (the title of the article suggests some sensationalizing). The Post article has a little more insight into Tha Pumpsta's intentions for the Kill Whitey parties, and they seem a little misguided. If he wanted to make fun of himself and the sacrosanct white culture, a satirical approach would be more appropriate. The problem with this intentional irony of playing hip-hop music to "kill the whiteness" is that it's not really irony at all. It's a self-serving (not to mention self-sustaining) and regular message, understood like some code of hipness. I like that Mr. Dean points out where this realignment of expectation within the hipster bubble dissolves the humor of the irony and just makes Kill Whitey a mockery. The problem, I guess, is that the offense is unintentional, and apparently--judging by Ms. Casady's comments--not understood in its broader context by those that propel it. And this is where I have some trouble reading Mr. Dean's article. To what extent is "hardcore" equated with blackness by the hipster crowd? I don't even know what "hardcore" entails, aside from being equated with blackness. Some definition of the term could help me find out just where Mr. Dean finds the distinction between "scene" and "race".
We live in an era without a taste of its own. What follows it?
We live in an era without a taste of its own. What follows it?
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