Feb 04, 2009 15:21
had a pretty crapastic night of raiding last night... 3-drake Sartharion, every time the whelp adds would spawn my box would completely lock up for 30-45 seconds -- and since it was my job to keep the adds un-enraged, while I was locked up, they'd all enrage and kill the tanks (and, of course, I'm the only one in the raid who can remove the enrage in any practical sense).
so it's time to upgrade Ventrue... I went ahead and bought a new video card (8600 GT --> 9800 GTX), a new processor (AMD X2 2.6 GHz --> AMD X2 3.2 GHz), and a new power supply (because the video card needed it... my old PSU was 430W, the video card requires 550W min, and my power supply is the oldest thing in my computer anyways. it was due for replacement).
hopefully it makes it not suck... in the meantime, I've got to play with my second monitor disabled, my resolution turned down, and every video effect turned off.