spn_j2_bigbang Art Post - Terraform by gilascave

Jul 17, 2009 23:47

Story title: Terraform
Author name: gilascave
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Summary: Jensen works for the Terraformation Department, monitoring a planet almost ready for settlement. Jared is a bartender new to the station, who decides to make Jensen his own personal project. Will he succeed, or is Jared hiding a more sinister purpose? And with Jensen's own secrets to hide, will it ultimately matter?
Art Notes: I have a thing for sci-fi stories. Terraform satisfied my sci-fi love in so many ways. I love the universe zortified created, and her characterization for Jared and Jensen is wonderfully unique and layered. I loved the complexity of this story, and how smoothly put together it is. And I also just love how very much of a love story it is too. I highly recommend checking it out!

As for the art I had a great time doing this one. It was probably the most conceptually challenging of my Big Bang entries, being set so far in the future; I spent a lot of time searching for the right clothes, the right background. In the end, I am just super pleased with how the art turned out. I was captivated by the haunting loneliness of that first scene with Jensen, and I just wanted to capture all of those feelings as best I could.

[ Click for full size version -- 1680x1050 ]


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