So with discussions
like this one in
azewewish's journal about bulletproof kinks, and incredibly
smutty stories featuring a Christian Kane so hot I want to lick the sweat off of his neck getting rimmed by Jensen fucking Ackles, I am thinking it would be good for people to rec their favorite gloriously smutty, dirty, kink-filled stories.
I will start with one of my bulletproof kinks, which, no matter the fandom, no matter the pairing, never fails to turn me on. Exhibitionist masturbation. omg.
Just Reach Out (Supernatural, Dean/Sam) by
sevenfists is the perfect example of this. Dean's driving the metallicar and Sam just. Goes for it. The singer wails about sex and decadence. Sam's warm and drowsy and a little turned on from the possessive heat in Dean's eyes, and it's easy to slouch down even further, feel the beat of the music turn into a sweet throb in his balls.
He spreads his thighs apart a little, giving his dick more room. Dean's chewing on a hangnail, not paying any attention. Sam rubs two fingers over his fly, not quite hard yet but getting there, relishing the slow curl of arousal in his gut.
And, you know, maybe to help with the mood, here's a song which has the exact same effect on me. [
Prince - Cream ] -- mp3, 5.8mb