Pets, Women in Clasical Lit, The Origin of Welfare, Relief for Sinusitus, and a magical lit theme!

Sep 12, 2011 11:14

So much to share today. It's nice to feel like all my work is generating something! W00t!

1. All the storms lately are a reminder that we need to be prepared, not just for our human families, but for our furry and feathered friends too! Disaster Preparation For Your Pets gives you a guide on how to get your animal babies ready for any emergency!

2. Winter, spring, summer or fall, it's any season for the crazy-making pain and pressure of sinusitis! Learn some simple ways to ease the misery: How to Get Relief For Sinusitus.

3. Magic is a fun literary theme. It's role in A Midummer Night's Dream is multilayered and interesting! Literary Themes: Magic in A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare.

4. More Shakespeare? And I'm not even a fan! But you know how I love to analyze female characters in literature... How about a Character Analysis: Cordelia in King Lear by William Shakespeare.

And finally...

5. Have you ever wondered how the idea of the government helping care for the elderly, sick, and poor came to be? Well, we can all thank Queen Elizabeth (sort of): How the Government Helped the Poor in Elizabethan England.

There should be a little something for a lot of tastes today! :)

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helium, magazine articles, literature, history, health, suite101, pets, shakespeare

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