A little French Women's History, and a Travel Guide to my beloved SE Connecticut!

Aug 19, 2011 11:37

This one was interesting: The Effect of the Napoleonic Code on Women's Rights. Now, I was a Women's Studies minor in college, but our focus was generally on American feminism. I never learned about the struggles of early French feminists during the Revolution, or spitfire Revolutionary Olympe de Gouges (who unfortunately met the same fate as so many others in that time -- the guillotine.) Keep an eye out for another article on her!

Some of you may not know that I was born and raised on the SE Connecticut shore. It was funny -- writing Travel Guide: Southeastern Connecticut made me homesick! Although I've never been back with the casinos dominating the area, I hear it's changed a lot of things completely. I remember when it was all rural out where I lived in Ledyard. Now it's like Las Vegas had a baby there! LOL

Anyway, I tried to emphasize a lot of other things I remember from my youth. There's so much to do there outside the casinos, that I couldn't even cover a portion of it in my 1500 word limit!

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connecticut, helium, magazine articles, history, travel, feminism

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