Um... quip! *shrug* That's all I got.

Oct 20, 2010 21:35

RIP Tom Bosley. I'll miss you, Mr. C, you were a huge part of my childhood. :(


Hey, TV Geeks! It's time to vote for the People's Choice Awards. Actually, it looks like there's fun for movie geeks, music, and even web stuff. Actually, this is just voting for nominees.

*checks everything for True Blood*

Especially if you're a Castle fan -- imagine my shock to see that Favorite TV Family DID NOT include the Castles! That's... just WRONG!

I know I often mention how very old I am, but I'm doing the above People's choice voting, and I don't know a single one of the songs up for nomination. LOL


Oh, yeah, Opie, you totally had that smack coming. Sorry, bra.

But as far as Jax fucking the tacky porn chick and Tara walking in? Jax is an asshole, yes, but he did say he was done. I don't know, I'm so meh on Jax/Tara anyway, it's hard to care. I care a lot more about Gemma/Clay.

So, Jax has a half-sister in Ireland, hey? Interesting.

Loved the whole scene with the Bastards and the Mayans... but why do I think it's not that simple? Ah, see, I knew it.

I'm really confused about the whole Irish thing. There's the Sons and the IRA... I don't get who's who and what the hell is going on. What the hell does Abel have to do with anything?

HA! Go Gemma Go!

Hey, you know what I want to know? Where does the club get all that awesome merchandise? I mean, they have EVERYTHING with the logo on it, even the baby's hat.

Oh, Sheriff Wayne, you're so dead. Aw, man, they should have fucking shot him. Tig better not friggin die because of that.

I am so confused about the Irish thing. *sigh*


OMG MY HOTTIE KEVIN ALEJANDRO (aka Jesus from True Blood) IS ON SVU TONIGHT! (Well, last night, because I watched it on Canadian TV.) He's so dreamy. Though maybe... not so much in this role. BUT STILL.


30 Days Memes, DAY ELEVEN

Your favorite Sookie Stackhouse moment: I may be a broken record, but my favorite Sookie scene was when she stayed on the roof with Godric as he died.

something you hated that most people liked: *sigh* Um... Oh! Excising the Sunnydale gang almost completely from the lives of the Angel gang. It makes NO SENSE for TWO armies of heroes fighting to save the world, working two hours apart, TO NEVER HELP EACH OTHER OUT. Yes, I know it was network politics bullshit that necessitated the separation (or so they said. We all know it was Whedon's sadism.), but B/A Shipperdom aside, it weakens both stories and makes both teams look like morons.

"Oh, no, I'm sorry, I know we're facing Armageddon, but we can't possibly call Sunnydale/LA, because it's too embarrassing and uncomfortable to deal with Angel's/Buffy's ex."

*rolls eyes*

something you hated that most people liked: Giving Spike a soul.

Day 01- Your favorite female character
Day 02- Your favorite male character
Day 03- Your favorite couple
Day 04- Your favorite quote
Day 05- Your favorite promo for season 3
Day 06- Your favorite Lafayette/Tara moment
Day 07- Your favorite Eric/Sookie moment
Day 08- Your favorite Sookie/Bill moment
Day 09- Your favorite Eric/Bill moment
Day 10- Your favorite Sam/Sookie moment
Day 11- Your favorite Sookie Stackhouse moment
Day 12- A scene/moment that pissed you off
Day 13- A scene/moment that made you cry
Day 14- A scene/moment that made you happy
Day 15- Your OTP
Day 16- Your favorite episode
Day 17- Your least favorite episode
Day 18- Your least favorite character
Day 19- Your least favorite scene
Day 20- Your favorite villain
Day 21- Your favorite guest-star
Day 22- Your least favorite guest-star
Day 23- The character you most relate to
Day 24- The character you would like to hear/see more of
Day 25- Something that happened you wish hadn’t
Day 26- Something that hadn’t happened but you wish had
Day 27- Your idea for a future True Blood episode
Day 28- Your idea for a future True Blood character
Day 29- Your idea for a future True Blood couple
Day 30- Whatever tickles your fancy

Day 1 - favourite female character.
Day 2 - favourite male character.
Day 3 - least favourite character.
Day 4 - favourite episode.
Day 5 - favourite season.
Day 6 - favourite couple.
Day 7 - least favourite episode.
Day 8 - least favourite couple.
Day 9 - favourite villain.
Day 10 - something you liked that most people didn’t.
Day 11 - something you hated that most people liked.
Day 12 - least favourite season.
Day 13 - favourite character arc.
Day 14 - a scene that made you laugh.
Day 15 - a scene that made you cry.
Day 16 - something that made you think “WTF?!”.
Day 17 - saddest character death.
Day 18 - best “Team Angel” line-up.
Day 19 - favourite Cordy moment.
Day 20 - favourite Wesley moment.
Day 21 - favourite Gunn moment.
Day 22 - favourite Fred moment.
Day 23 - wackiest-looking demon.
Day 24 - a character who didn’t get enough screentime.
Day 25 - rec a fanfic or fanvid (or both).
Day 26 - something that you wish had never happened.
Day 27 - something that you wish had happened.
Day 28 - sexiest scene.
Day 29 - ickiest scene.
Day 30 - whatever tickles your fancy.

Day 1 - favourite female character.
Day 2 - favourite male character.
Day 3 - least favourite character.
Day 4 - favourite episode.
Day 5 - favourite season.
Day 6 - favourite couple.
Day 7 - least favourite episode.
Day 8 - least favourite couple.
Day 9 - favourite villain.
Day 10 - something you liked that most people didn’t.
Day 11 - something you hated that most people liked.
Day 12 - least favourite season.
Day 13 - favourite character arc.
Day 14 - a scene that made you laugh.
Day 15 - a scene that made you cry.
Day 16 - something that made you think “WTF?!”.
Day 17 - saddest character death.
Day 18 - best “Scooby Gang” line-up.
Day 19 - favourite Buffy moment.
Day 20 - favourite Willow moment.
Day 21 - favourite Xander moment.
Day 22 - favourite Giles moment.
Day 23 - wackiest-looking demon.
Day 24 - a character who didn’t get enough screentime.
Day 25 - rec a fanfic or fanvid (or both).
Day 26 - something that you wish had never happened.
Day 27 - something that you wish had happened.
Day 28 - sexiest scene.
Day 29 - ickiest scene.
Day 30 - whatever tickles your fancy.

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30 days of true blood, rip, 30 days memes, tv: sons of anarchy, 30 days of angel, hotties: kevin alejandro, 30 days of buffy

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