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theantijoss October 2 2010, 17:29:06 UTC
I know! I'm looking forward to IWRY this year. Except the angst -- IT HURTS! *sniffle* Actually, the first ficlet I finished yesterday is set on the Day That Wasn't. Honestly, just because of that I'm not sure if it counts as schmoop (it's for schmoop_bingo -- if I go for an all B/A black out, that's 25 B/A fics! Plus I'm trying to finish up a couple of short ones that I left everybody hanging on.) because of the IRONY. *sob*

You know, though, little fandoms brew ENORMOUS enmity, just because there's so few people, everyone generally is playing in the same sandbox. It's not like a giant fandom, where there can be a huge kerfluffle going on and you never even know it. (Like, I hear there's one in our fandom right now, but I only know that through rumors, and I'm plugging my ears and going LALALALALALA).

Oh, writing porn. I haven't done it in forever, and I fear I'm so rusty, it's going to require serious lube. ;) You just have to let it flow as best you can. The only advice I can give is -- write it all at once so you don't lose the heat. Which... isn't great advice until you actually get there. :D Good luck, babe!


leni_ba October 2 2010, 17:45:44 UTC
So far my favorite line is 'Buffy was sure that she knew things no other seventeen-year-old in California - no, make it the country - would know. Or would admit to know.' - and the poor thing is just a blurb floating in space, under threat of ending in my list of sentences I never got to include into a story but I like enough to recycle.

You're going for a Black Out? DOUBLE YAY! I didn't find out about the challenge until today, and I kinda wish I'd gotten in. I need some push to explore the softer side of B/Aus in my CS'verse. Everything I've written lately have them somewhat pissed at each other (except for the last one. But it's from Giles's pov, and he doesn't see the storm brewing between them).

25 Ducks fics-to-be... *dreamy sigh*


There's a new Buffyverse fandom battle going around? *gasp* And there I thought there was general amnesty the first week of every month. Tsk.

But yeah, smaller fandoms can be hell. Usually there's an OTP everybody worships, and all alternate pairings are viewed as 'weird'. *shrug* I don't mind too much, since I've got enough interests to keep me busy while I wait for the storm to pass. But my, the little war going on at VK has teeth.

What is it with vampire shows that riles everybody up? Did the B/A-B/S wars set a bad precedent, or was this going on long before?

And fluff set in IWRY is... yeah, irony is a good word. I'd go for heart-breaking, though - the kind that makes you smile and want to point something pointy at Joss..


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