
Jun 23, 2010 12:59

I really want to start hanging out here again. I miss this community so much. But with my health struggles and trying to squeeze in some writing, Facebook has become the place I spend the most time. It doesn't require thought, or a lot of investment of time or emotion. Plus the games are LIKE CRACK ( Read more... )

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margotlefaye June 23 2010, 19:15:43 UTC
First, :::smooches you:::

It's great to see you here. I'm probably going to de-activate my Facebook account--again!-- because all the things I didn't like about how invasive it was the first time, are even worse now.

Personal: Made some dietary changes that aren't at all hard to keep up. Let's see how long that remains true and if it has any impact on weight loss. In other news, have another book due at the end of summer: YA horror. I have promised myself no new YA projects after this one. I will finish the ones I've already committed to and that is it.

Movie: Last two films we saw in the theater were Iron Man 2 and How to Train Your Dragon. Both were good, although I probably enjoyed HtTYD a bit more than Iron Man, because who doesn't like dragons who act like cats? I'm hoping to see Knight and Day, but that may have to wait until next weekend, or the weekend after on account of I'm both swamped and broke. (Side note, it's nice to see Marc Blucas getting work, because he's a nice guy, even if I hated it when Buffy was shoved into a relationship with Riley).

TV: So You Think You Can Dance is the best reality tv show, ever. And it's own tonight! Hell's Kitchen is fun. I really loathe Autumn and hope they get rid of her, soon. I don't know how Siobhan has lasted as long as she has, either, although at least she's not a back-stabbing bitch and control freak (make that sexist control freaks: Autumn only tries to control the other women, she caves to the guys, WUWT?) As to True Blood, I refuse to pay extra for HBO, so we'll have to wait until next spring, when we can watch it on demand, to catch up with the season that's about to start (or just started) Frankly, I prefer the books.

Books: Just read the latest Sookie Stackhouse, in fact (Dead in the Family). No spoilers. I liked it better than the last one, Dead and Gone, although that one had at least one thing I loved in it. And, I shall not spoil by telling you what it was. Do you want me to send you copies of those two?

Politics: Expletive Deleted. Really, the less said, the better for my blood pressure. Suffice it to say I am weeping over the Gulf, am bitter that we didn't get real health care reform, and believe we spend too much money on war and not enough on education. I am marginally encouraged that we seem to be slowly working towards civil rights for LGBTG folks, but even those gains seem to be a two-steps-forward-one-step-back (if not more steps back) scenario. And...that's really enough said.

Smooch! I hope things get better with your health, soon.


theantijoss June 29 2010, 00:08:31 UTC
I just sent you an email because my response was like, 1000 words too long! LOL Love you! *smooches*


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