I know I've ranted about this before, but
Womanist Musings just reminded me again. FUCK YOU, INGRID NEWKIRK, YOU FREAKING XENOPHOBIC NUTBAG!
I support the ASPCA and local no-kill shelters, thanks. And hey, guess what? I AM A FAT VEGETARIAN, YOU BITCH!
Man she gets me riled up. LOOK AT THAT BILLBOARD in the article! that just... GRRRR!
Sorry I haven't been around for a few days, but I am REALLY not feeling well. Having a sort of minor Crohn's flare up. I suspect it's all the fresh veggies I've been eating lately -- they can be hard to digest. But how am I supposed to resist all that crunchy yummy goodness when it comes right out of my land? Or... tables on my porch, anyway. ;)
Anyhow, so I've just kind of been laid up doing mindless things, like playing with my DRAGONS! And hanging around FAcebook -- there's this game called Farmville there that I'm completely addicted to.
Of course, all this down time means that that I've completely lost track of my
kink_bingo schedule. I'm STILL hoping maybe I can finish a bingo by the 31st (that's nine stories) -- but so far only 2 are done, a 3rd is at the "climax", so I just can't hold my breath on it getting done. *sigh*
Look! BJPinky
and Pam Ravencroft (I know, I spelled it wrong)
HAD A BABY! And here I thought they were BOTH gay!
And here's our very first baby, LilSwirly -- she had a rough couple of days, I was posting her in too many places, which results in too many views, and makes her sick:
She'll be all grown up soon!
Please pet the other eggs if you get a chance! :D
Don't forget, you can always visit my permanent dragon pen, click on all KINDS of interesting creatures (I've picked up LOTS of interesting things in my travels!)!