If you've been following my dragon drama...

Aug 17, 2009 21:45

And aren't sick of seeing them on my posts every day... :D

As I said, I'll just be posting eggs or reminders from now on, because I've set all my various creatures up in a permanent holding pen:

On Dreamwidth: http://theantijoss.dreamwidth.org/33482.html

On Livejournal: http://theantijoss.livejournal.com/334668.html

On Insanejournal: http://theantijoss.insanejournal.com/282246.html

I also post the eggs twice a day on the_hatchery if you're a member there.

Phew. I actually have been at this on and off all day while nursing a headache and OMG FRETTING OVER TRUE BLOOD!

Ehem. I'll leave that off until I have something coherent to say. :D

Anyway, for those of you not really into the dragon thing, but who have been following the ONGOING AS THE DRAGONS DO... STUFF:

You may remember that TBJessica lowered herself to allow Big Swirly to mate with her, and they produced an egg. Well, here she is! TADA!


I know it's a dumb name, but I want to make sure any hatchlings reflect their heritage. YAY! Give her a pat if you like!

Looks like Little Pastel Cloudy is about to hatch too!

And now I'm off to bed.

dragon drama, dragons

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