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Aug 15, 2009 22:06

Happy birthday insanity_speaks! I know you've been kind of down lately, so I hope this day is a REALLY good one for you!


Stuff from my Fannish!Crack dealer killerweasel


Whoa, Whoa, Whoa… Robert Downey Jr. as the Vampire Lestat? - I'm actually sort of intrigued, although I love and adore Stuart Townsend's ( Read more... )

facebook, tv: glee, hair cut, vampires: lestat, high school friends, john hughes

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redbrickrose August 16 2009, 06:14:28 UTC
I saw that Robert Downey Jr. as Lestat link! I'm intrigued. I'm also unconvinced, but I guess it can't be worse than The Queen of the Damned.


theantijoss August 16 2009, 15:06:19 UTC
I KNOW! Well, I remember scoffing mightily at the idea of Tom Cruise as Lestat before the first movie came out, and though he wasn't ideal, he did a pretty damn good job. And RDJ is a really awesome actor (Iron Man REALLY took me by surprise!), so I'll give it a shot if it comes to pass.

Hey! I love QotD! Of course, I'm sort of fond of the more craptastic movies of the genre as a rule anyway, so my taste may be suspect. *G*


redbrickrose August 16 2009, 17:25:40 UTC
As a vampire movie, I thought QotD was fine. I was just upset by how little resemblance it bore to the book. I'm an Anne Rice fan in an intense and irrational way and I want the books to be done *right.* I'll absolutely give the new one a shot. I think RDJ is awesome and can totally pull of the Lestat attitude. He's too old and not blonde enough to play Lestat, but I am willing to reserve judgment.


theantijoss August 16 2009, 17:34:19 UTC
Ah, a Ricean Purist! That makes sense. I sort of just divorced the movie from the book entirely, really, since as you said they bore so little resemblance to one another.

Yeah, I'm definitely at least curious to see what RDJ does with the role!


redbrickrose August 16 2009, 17:38:02 UTC
Yeah, normally I can divorce movies from their sources. Books and movies are different media and you can't expect the movie to be the book because they do different things and tell stories in different ways, etc, etc. But in my soul I am a Ricean Purist and I want *my* Lestat onscreen. That Tom Cruise pulled that off was awesome, but Stuart Townsend did not. Normally I like Townsend a lot, but he would have made a much better Louis than he did Lestat. Also the complete omission of Louis was a sad and unnecessary thing.

Not that I have strong opinions.


theantijoss August 16 2009, 17:56:34 UTC
Hee. You're entitled. I'm like that with some of my favorite books. Like, for YEARS I've been living in terror of the perpetually "in production" movie version of my all time favorite book, "Outlander" by Diana Gabaldon. I just don't see any way that they could capture the awesome hero well onscreen! *sigh*


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