Good stuff, bad stuff... other stuff. Man, this allergy medicine is good.

Aug 06, 2009 22:30

Wow. This really gave me a whack in the head. John Hughes died today. RIP, Mr. Hughes, your movies were a centerpiece of my adolescence.


For Fans of the Great Green One!

If you love Gaila like I do (or you know, even in to a slightly saner degree. *G*), come and play! I'm talking with the mods of teamgaila to have a corresponding one on LJ, but ANYONE is welcome at the DW meme!


Oh, Google Ads, you so funny! Today's gem was, "Are You a Trekkie? Take our quiz to find out! YOU MAY BE DUMBER THAN YOU THINK!" Hahahahaha. I C WAT U DID THAR!

Wait, here's another one! LOL "Manifesting Works - - Learn How to Jump Into Any Reality You Desire... For Real". Okay! I'm still not clicking that link. Unless you can guarantee Scott Bakula circa 1993 will be there.


Well, I'm finally going to check out Harry Potter tomorrow. I've got a bunch of errands to run later in the afternoon (HELLO new painkiller esp. for that special time of the month!), so I figure if I go to the early matinee, that will leave me plenty of time. It's funny, I heard kind of neutral-positive things about it, but no real squee, so... *shrug* I'm not always a huge fan of the movies as entities unto themselves anyway. I remember especially with GoF, thinking that the story was so holey, so convinced that every viewer had already read the books, that I swear anyone who hadn't would be completely lost.

But it's a tradition for me to see them in the theaters, and with only one more left, I shall continue said tradition with honor! Or... you know, snacks I snuck in.


I'm sort of building my own network of shows I want to catch up on, watching an episode or two every day. Right now, the list includes Star Trek TOS, Dexter, Legend of the Seeker, and Torchwood, among a few others. What I'm looking for here are your favorite anime shows. I know a lot of friends on my FList watch them, and I'm wondering what you recommend. My entire experience with the genre includes Vampire Hunter D and Spirit or... Ghost? The one about the kid who crosses over a bridge into a ghost world, I think. Shit, I can't remember. What else is good?


Please feed the dragons! :D

rip, friending meme, ms. gaila to you!, google ads, movies: hbp, gaila, ducks' tv network!, dragons

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