Building a better hump day. *she said as she fell asleep*

Aug 05, 2009 20:47

A very happy birthday to marcasite! I hope you have a great one!



We're down to the top 32 ladies now, and OMG THE CHOICES ARE DEVESTATING! I mean, Princess Leia vs. Professor McGonagall? Martha Jones vs. Eowyn? Kaylee vs. Scully? And the one that gave me half a stroke was RIVER TAM VS. AERYN SUN OMGZ!

So please, come on by and represent! But watch out for Miss Piggy and her fans, they SHE BITE(S)! ;)


You know how I can tell that I'm about to start my period and I'm having a huge hormonal surge? On one of my now former soaps, they killed off the main family's beautiful Lab in service of a really dumb storyline, and I SOBBED like the world was coming to an end for like, an hour. Charlotte (who hates everybody except when she's bored or hungry) came running over and snuggled up with me, she was so concerned. Now, I will tell you that an animal dying will make me cry ANY day, but we're talking like, hysterics here.

Either way, bye-bye Young & the Restless. You're always stupid, but cruel just doesn't work for me. *gives finger*

So. Somebody please send Midol. Dudes, I sent an email to CBS, I was so upset.


OMG! One of my trueblood100 drabbles won second place for the week! *dances* It was for "Dig", the one about Jessica, for the prompt "Dark." Yay!

You drabblers who are also True Blood fans should come and play! You get pretty prizes. *G*

Of course,
drabble still gives the best prompts. I've been saving them, but I haven't posted any in weeks. I need to get on that.


I don't know why, but BOY am I tired today. I don't think I slept very well last night, and then with the hormone rush today, I'm ready to go to bed at 8:30 pm. I mean, there's nothing stopping me FROM going to bed now, I just don't want to. I still have to work on the
kink_bingo story for today. It's getting toward the end, but I just don't know if I have it in me. So to speak. *G* I don't want to get into the habit of not meeting the every other day deadlines, because I'll never catch up if I do. Plus, I'm doing rewrites on the one I finished yesterday, on which the awesome igrockspock gave me some really helpful notes that will make the story a lot better in the end.

Blargh. *yawn*

Okay, I'm going to try and watch ONE episode of Star Trek, give at least a pass over both current Kink stories, and then I think I'll head off to bed. But before that...


AS THE DRAGONS... shit, I still can't think of a good name for this. Please click the Eggies and send them Female vibes -- for poor Jessica's sake if nothing else!

drabbles, girly tmi, awards, miss piggy: is hbic, home team matches 2009, tv: young & the restless, dragons, trueblood100

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