Jul 28, 2009 23:34

For those of you who are new to the madness that is Ducks, Tuesday is my BAD DAY. It was back when I used to work full time, and it has yet to redeem itself since. I call Tuesday my Bane. I HATE Tuesday.

Okay, that's a little dramatic. Today was just kind of bleh. But still, it's TUESDAY'S FAULT.


Hahahaha. Okay, as it turns out, sLut the Magic Dragon is a male. And so, his name will therefore be James T. Kirk. Say hello, James! (Actually, it's JimmyTKirk, because some actual Trekkie beat me to James T.)


MEME! I was tagged by bradeatspeeps, who would be the first person I would tag, and so now I have to rethink MY tag list, dammit!

First: If you've been tagged, you must write your answers in your own LJ and replace any question that you dislike with a new question.

Second: Tag eight people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you.

Lots of pillows or just one? Two -- one for under my head, one for squeezing against my bod.

What kind of books do you read? Any kind, but I prefer dark fantasy and paranormal romance.

What's the cutest thing you've seen today? My cats being teased by a chipmunk. They sit, perfect frozen like bookends in the window, each of them trembling every once in a while in what must be terrible frustration, and the chipmunk just runs back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, chattering at them as he does whatever chipmunks do.

What's your occupation? Writer (supposedly)

What's really creepy? My neighbors are like, Deliverance style rednecks. They have a big deer target in the back yard that freaks me out. And I KNOW they would shoot any dear that walked on their property, fuck the "season" (I know this because a few years ago they got busted for raising turkeys and shooting THEM). All of these things together frighten me.

What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction? True Blood and Star Trek XI are pretty much tied for first right now. Merlin is hovering around in second.

What flavor ice cream would you choose right now? I just had some triple chocolate

What websites do you always visit when you go online? Livejournal, Dreamwidth, Gmail

What was the last thing you bought? Medication

If you could meet one person alive who would that be? The Dalai Lama

Do you get cravings? If so, what do you crave? cheese, salty food, sometimes greasy food

What do you do to change your mood? yoga, sleep, cry

What is your zodiac sign? Taurus

Do you want to learn another language? I would love to. I've been trying to learn Scots Gaelic for years but I've never made it very far. I suspect I actually need an instructor, rather than just books/cd's. I'd also like to learn Spanish.

Five things you can't live without.
1) My computer
2) Internet Access
3) My kitties
4) Fresh, clean water
5) A comfortable bed

Find the closest book currently sitting near you and flip to page 54. What is the first sentence of the second paragraph? "Dear Kenny," -- Heh. It's from VENUS ENVY by Rita Mae Brown.

What's something you'd like to say to someone right now? Mind your own frakking business.

What are you looking forward to? Star Trek coming out on DVD (IN NOVEMBER), the next Diana Gabaldon book (in September), going to bed tonight (TIRED)

Say something to the person who tagged you: Um... there are a few of you, so just "hi!" *waves*

Everybody's so busy lately! I tag vivier, fangbanger4eric, goddessrockgeek, little_linds, lunar47, stormiejs, lizardjee, and ragdolll.


My full time job for the past couple of days has become AVOIDING any and all posts about the Supernatural and True Blood Panels at ComiCon. I do not want to be spoiled for the rest of this season of TB AT ALL, so if you saw it in that video clip, or heard it in the panel, please don't mention it around me or on trueblood_squee without AMPLE warning! Please. *G*

Of course, I'm very generally spoiled about Supernatural (vague season direction, casting, etc. I know there are returning hunters but I don't know the details. With SPN, I don't mind so much getting a little spoiled -- it's the journey that's fun. But with True Blood, baby, I will EAT YOUR FACE if you spoil me. The shocks, twists and turns on this show are half the fun (the other half being my favorite characters, of course. Hi Eric! Hi!).

Anyway. /whine


Ugh. Did I say I was done whining? Because apparently, I'm not. I went to my two doctors' appointments today, and have MORE medication I have to take and MORE tests that have to be run, none of which have anything to do with my current Crohn's issues. It was 80 billion degrees with 500 percent humidity out today, and when I got home, I took my new nasal spray (which seems to really work, btw), and now I am ZOMBIE LIKE. I wanted to get some writing done or SOMETHING, but... I just don't see it happening. I should at least scrawl down some words, I can fill out the flesh tomorrow.

But man, who thought a nasal spray could make you all bablbalbalblalblblbl? (It's Astepro, for anybody who's curious.) I'll spare you more Medical TMI until I have something definite to share.


Now that they're all grown up, I want to consider mating. The only female is Jessica, the first red. Should I mate her with one of the pink guys, or Swirly, the green guy, or her own kind, sLutty JimmyT?

medical tmi, meme, tuesday: sucks, whinging, dragons

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