Zzzzzzzz. But there's stuff happening! Lots of stuff! PORN STUFF!

Jul 07, 2009 22:24

I'm plodding my way through Weeds Season 4 still. MAN does it drop in quality sometime in season 3. No, you know, on second thought... the quality doesn't change, but neither does the story. It's all, "OMG Nancy's gonna get caught! No she's not! Yes she is! No she's not!" and a premise that was completely hilarious, poignant and charming in the beginning is starting to get a little (besides completely unbelievable) "Um... she's sort of a bad mother." Which brings it into icky territory. Plus, I'm annoyed that there's just Baboom! No more Conrad? What? That does not please me. And the season 4 premise was even MORE stupid, which was annoying. If they had stayed with asshole grandfather and bedridden great-grandmother too long I was going to just have to stop. But seriously, now the freaking Mexican mafia? I just don't know.

I wonder how much JDM got paid to appear in a whole like, five minutes of the entire show?

I loved the first like, 2 3/4 seasons, and I adore the music, but man has it gotten tedious. Will someone just shoot Celia in the face already? (Don't tell me if they do later on, I want to CHERISH IT UNSPOILED.)


(I actually finished season 4 last night, and I'm still all... WTF? And being the compulsive dork idiot that I am, OF COURSE I have to move onto season 5. *sigh* I have other series I want to catch up on!)


Okay, I've done it again. Signed up for Entirely too much fic stuff. But hey, at least I'm writing SOMETHING. I need to get it all down here so I know how much trouble I'm really in.

femslash_today's Fireworks '09 (Completely Not) Annual Femslash Porn Battle -- Now through Midnight, Friday, July 10
International Day of Femslash - July 18 (I volunteered to make Fuffy icons for this too!)
paintedboys' Kradam Ficathon - Posting Dates July 20-July 27
ibarw International Blog Against Racism Week is July 27-August 2, I will probably post, but I'll also be trying to keep track of the conversation and share with you guys.
matrithon - Posting Dates 9/7-10/5 (I haven't signed up for an exact date yet)
shapinglight's Darla Ficathon - Posting Date 10/31-11/1

Plus IWRY, CYA, Decade of AtS, and anything else that comes up between now and then, because apparently I've forgotten how to say no. :D

Oh, and I'm also running TWO communities now:
whedonpr0norama at Dreamwidth (anyone is welcome to post!) and trueblood_squee over on LJ.

It's a lot, yes, but it's getting me all fired up, and that fire is what I need to get to writing my OWN stuff again!

Of course, now I'm tired and ready for a nap.

I will confess being really pleased with the feedback for my femslash_today Porn Battle story ( Hotbox, Olivia Wilde/Megan Fox RPFS if you're interested. *G*). I haven't written much femslash over the years, and I know absolutely nothing about these two actresses, so hearing that it made people hot made my porny heart very happy.

Hey! Speaking of PORN! *G* You may have noticed I mentioned in passing above my new Dreamwidth community (but anyone is welcome to come over and play using OpenID -- I'll even put up a post there explaining how!),
whedonpr0norama. I know I tried this over at InsaneJournal, but I really, really love Dreamwidth, and I really, really would love to read some new Whedon porn (not STARRING Whedon. Ew.), so I opened it. I want to do a Porn Battle Dealie over there eventually where all manner of porn will be had in the comments, but for now, everybody and anybody over 18 with some porn involving Whedonverse characters in any pairing, grouping (or hey, all by themselves!) are welcome and encouraged to post there! Please come on over and play!

Don't forget the zero in Pr0n! ;)


Oops! I totally forgot to get the garbage together for pick up tomorrow! Hasta La Vista! Please pet my dragons while you're here. *G*

tv: weeds, femslash_today, ibarw, trueblood_squee, darlathon, whedonpr0n0rama, matrithon, fanfic overload, i: have a problem saying no, kradam, intl. day of femslash, dragons

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