Jun 26, 2009 22:23

Today is the 40th anniversary of the Stonewall Rebellion, which sparked the gay rights movement.

I personally am a pacifist, and I never condone violence as a means to change things. But if I am frustrated with the state of LGBTQ civil rights in this country, I can only dimly imagine how the gays and lesbian of that oppressive day and age must have felt!

Here's a piece from a writer who was there as a young man. It offers a very interesting look at the divisions in the gay community at the time (and still today!) between old-fashioned, closeted fellows and out and flaming sparklers like transvestites and young hustlers. It also busts some myths that have grown up around the riots over the years.

Still -- this is PRIDE MONTH, so it's important for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer and OTHER people and their allies to honor the history of our movement.

I've been watching more Queer Film this month, and so I've added a new category to my Movie Watch '09 List if you want to check it out.


Franklin, Clinton and St. Lawrence counties were designated high-intensity drug trafficking areas Wednesday.

Then how come I can't find any weed?

Heh. That's not true. I know where to get weed. I just can't afford it don't smoke anymore.


You know, I grew up miles from here -- I used to party in Rhode Island in my teens. I had NO IDEA its legal name was actually "State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations"! No, seriously! Now I guess they're trying to change it.

Huh. Did my friends in the rest of New England know about this?


Ahhhh. I really enjoy some internalized homophobia with my coffee in the morning. Somebody go take this guy's Teh Ghey card away. No more gym or dance club for you, buddy! Although I suspect he's one of those old guys who sits in front of his computer bitching about various things all day and night long.

*realizes she is the pot insulting the kettle* Um...


Heh. su_herald found a B/A Wedding Cake topper. I want one! I mean, you know, if I ever get married. To a Buffy geek like myself. Hee.


Awesome -- The Vampire Report this week has RECIPES! You know, for when you have dinner with a vampire, and you don't want to embarrass them by eating when all they can do is drink. I actually want to try this. It's near the end. (I swear, HBO's viral campaigns for True Blood are frakking brilliant!)

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Please scritch my dragon eggs. I'd feel realy guilty if they died. That's why I never had a Giga Pet, you know.

dragon eggs, random, lgbt film, weed, history: stonewall riots, pride month, b/a

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