Warning: This post contains bitching at lazy-ass, inconsiderate people who refuse to type warnings!

Jun 25, 2009 22:15

RIP Farrah Fawcett. Your hair made part of my adolescence a tiny slice of hell because it just. Wouldn't. Feather. But you were a fighter, and seeing Ryan O'Neil crying made me really sad. So... rest easy, angel.

And, uh... Michael Jackson. I didn't see that one coming. What was it Brian Kinney said on Queer As Folk? "If you don't earn respect when you're alive, you don't deserve it when you're dead." Word. I'll... refrain from adding any further comment on this. My momma said if you don't have anything nice to say... come sit next to me. *G*

My condolences to fans, friends and family.


My comment on the warnings imbroglio is... why is it so hard to warn against things that are outside the standard vanilla sex (whether het or slash) box? Hell, I warn for foul language, excessive violence, and dark imagery as a matter of habit. To warn that there is torture, rape or abuse seems a given. *shrug* What exactly is the big whoop? Why are people freaking about about warning for hardcore content? If you can't read it in a novel in the erotica section of the bookstore (or hell, if you CAN -- I warn for BDSM, even though it is a perfectly legitimate sexual lifestyle between fully informed and consenting adults -- I warn because it's not necessarily all my readers' cup of smooth, sexy tea!) then you should warn for it. That's not a precise guideline, but... sheesh.

How hard is it to type "CONTENT: RAPE, ABUSE, NON/DUB-CON?" It took me three seconds. People who are whining about not warning don't make any sense to me... I mean... how fucking lazy can you get (and this coming from the Queen of Sloth)? And forget being inconsiderate and rude besides -- A LOT of people are asking for this three seconds of an author's time FOR THE SAKE OF THEIR MENTAL HEALTH. I don't get triggered by fic, but I still don't have a particular hankering for rape, abuse or dubcon most of the time, so I'd like a warning for that myself.

Really. Just suck it up and warn, people. It won't kill you, I promise. It won't violate your artistic integrity or whatthefuckever. Or your freedom of expression. Or anything else but that THREE FREAKING SECONDS OF YOUR LIFE. Is that really too much to ask if it means even ONE person doesn't get fucking nightmares from your fanfiction? Jesus!

The fanfic world has apparently changed since I was deep in it. *shakes head*

And just a side note: What the fuck is "victim privilege?" That's a frickin oxymoron if ever I read one.


I haven't seen the new Transformers (all the work Fox has had done on her face freaks me out), but this is interesting for those who have. A big part of thinking about racism is thinking about those small "oh, it's only a joke/robot/cartoon/song/etc." things that we indulge in every day that support making "others" out of those different from ourselves. Disney is probably the most guilty of this, along with a whole lot of other "isms," but it happens all the time and unless you're looking, you might not notice it.


Holy Hot Vampire Threesome, Batman! Dammit, why does it have to be on opposite Bones? Dammit, Jim, I'm a Doctor, not a network programming executive! I suppose it won't be too much trouble to catch Bones online and watch VD (heh) first run -- a nice lead in for SPN... for me, anyway, I don't know how successful it will be with the tweenies I know the pairing is programmed for. *shrug*

Whatever. I'm just going to stare at the banner for a while, if you'll excuse me.


Hey, you True Blood perverts! Head on over to tb_kink and get your VAMPIRE KINK ON.

Come on, you know you're not getting enough bloodplay these days. Those silly twinkly vamps DON'T EVEN HAVE FANGS!


Hahahaha. Hey, the next time a politician gets caught with his pants down, try Something Positive's "Political Press Confession Bingo!" Stolen directly from the LJ of the delcious thenyxie!


So... everybody knows I haven't written any fanfic bigger than a drabble in years. I must have been in some Adam Lambert-induced stupor when I signed up for the paintedboys' Kradam Fic Challenge! WTF WAS I THINKING? Oh well, I got a pretty specific set of prompts, so I think I can do that.



I got one of those dragon eggs. I couldn't help it! It was shiny and pink, and you know how I am with shiny pink things! Heh. I didn't quite mean it like that, but it's funny anyway.

Please pet my shiny pink thing! :P

dragon egg, wank: warnings, rip, tb_kink, tv: vampire diaries, bingo!

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