Do you call it "coming out" if you were never really in?

Jun 09, 2009 21:48

Seriously. The only difference between Adam Lambert now that he's on the Cover of Rolling Stone (*SQUEE*) and before is that he's said what are apparently the magic words : "I'm gay."

I wasn't aware you had to officially make an announcement about your sexuality before you got to carry Teh Ofishul Ghey Card.

But YAY, honey pie signed a record contract with RCA, and that Rolling Stone cover is the hottest thing since Baby! in the Bathtub! Gah.

"The Liberation of Adam Lambert"

I don't care -- I just LOVE this kid! He's adorable and fabulous and I ADORE his voice. I promise most days to keep my squee to lambert_ducks, but today I can't help it! *dances*

Honey pie's gonna be a SUPAHSTAH!

My favorite quote: "I loved it this season when girls went crazy for me. As far as I'm concerned, it's all hot. Just because I'm not sticking it in there doesn't mean that I don't find it beautiful."


I've seen people talking about how "disappointed" they are that Adam let a 'shroom trip lead him to Idol. (One of the quotes I didn't mention here.) Hell, the only thing I ever did shrooming was curl up on the ground and laugh/cry until I passed out. So good on him for putting a trip to productive use! *G*


Once again from the excellent
damned_colonial: Whedon is not a Friggin' Feminist, and Here's Some Reasons Why. She didn't call it that, I did.

Which is not to say that I don't enjoy some of his work, but when I hear people trumpet about what an awesomely progressive feminist he is, it makes my brain bleed.


TONS of new True Blood Viral Videos -- I love these. Hee.

(I feel so bad for the seeing eye dog guy! :( )


OMG! Of course, I'll probably have to wait until the next day to see it, but I DON'T CARE!!!!! *dances*


Tonight's viewing includes La Mala Educacion or as us Gringos call it, Bad Education -- it's a thriller that has such a twisty plot that it's hard to explain in a line or two, but there are nasty priests, sexy gay guys, and blackmail involved. In Spanish. I need to figure out where I know the lead actor from. His name is Gael García Bernal (she said as she imdb-ed him), he was in Babel and Motorcycle Diaries -- neither of which I've seen, so those can't be what I'm thinking of... AH! I'm With Lucy -- the one where Baby! plays a dickhead doctor. Gael played one of the other lovers. AND he was in Y tu mama tambien, which I saw a few years ago, and was HAWT. Okay, now I feel better. LOL

How are you guys today?

whedon, tv: true blood, adam lambert, movies: bad education, issues: feminism

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