RPM! GET IN GEAR! My new Saturday Mantra. *G*

Jun 06, 2009 22:01

Well, darnit! According to a2zmom, we missed Penis Day!

Interesting creatures, penises... but isn't every day pretty much Penis Day, at least in Man World?


So I'm completely beat again today. My mother woke me up at the ass crack of dawn telling me "OMGTHEINTERNETZISBROKEN!"

In other words: Internet Explorer crashed, so I had to reinstall it. I gave her my usual lecture about how she REALLY should switch to Firefox, but she didn't want to hear it. *sigh*

Four cups of coffee later, and I could still totally lie down and take a nap. Except I don't WANT to take a nap. I have too much stuff to do.


Guess what I did? I fell asleep, of course. Then I woke up, ate a turkey dog and tater tots, and watched Party Monster. I *heart* Seth Green, I really, really do. Spent the rest of the evening reading Kradam fanfic (that's Adam Lambert/Kris Allen from American Idol, for those who have not gone completely off the deep end). And now I'm going to alternate between watching Big Eden and reading MORE Kradam fanfic. I just love those two (in fanon). Sticky sweet, opposites attract, all the good stuff.


I'm still hunting around for a new ISP since GoDaddy SUCKS SO BADLY. I'm leaning toward FatCow.com, mostly because I can afford it and I adore the name, but I'd love to hear from those of you who haven't suggested anyone yet. I'm lining up all the suggestions and comparing them, and I'll pick one next week at some point.

Alas, my poor domain, owned by a domain squatter, never to be used legitimately again. :(

godaddy sucks, random, penis day

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