Jun 05, 2009 19:17

I don't even have an icon bitter and angry enough to suit today.


Okay, New Yorkers -- it's OUR TURN to do the right thing!



The Rules
1. You can ONLY answer 'Yes' or 'No'.

2. You are NOT ALLOWED to explain ANYTHING unless someone messages or comments you and asks-and, believe me, the temptation to explain some of these will be overwhelming. Nothing is exactly as it seems.

Kissed any one of your LiveJournal friends? - friendly, yes; hot n sexy, no
Been arrested? - yes
Kissed someone you didn't like? - yes
Slept in until 5 PM? - yes
Fallen asleep at work/school? - yes
Held a snake? - yes
Ran a red light? - yes
Been suspended from school? - yes
Experienced love at first sight? - infatuation? Lust? Yes. Not real love, no.
Totaled your car in an accident? - yes
Been fired from a job? - yes
Fired somebody? - no
Sung karaoke? - yes
Pointed a gun at someone? - no
Did something you told yourself you wouldn't? - yes
Laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? - yes
Caught a snowflake on your tongue? - yes
Kissed in the rain? - yes
Had a close brush with death (your own)? - not that I remember
Saw someone die? - no
Played Spin-the-Bottle? - yes
Smoked a cigar? - no
Sat on a rooftop? - yes
Smuggled something into another country? - yes
Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes? - yes
Broken a bone? - yes
Skipped school? - yes
Eaten a bug? - yes
Sleepwalked? - yes
Walked on a moonlit beach? - yes
Ridden a motorcycle? - yes
Dumped someone? - yes
Forgotten your anniversary? - no
Lied to avoid a ticket? - yes
Ridden in a helicopter? - no
Shaved your head? - no
Blacked out from drinking? - yes
Played a prank on someone? - yes
Hit a home run? - yes
Felt like killing someone? - yes
Cross-dressed? - yes
Been falling-down drunk? - yes
Made your girlfriend/boyfriend cry? - yes
Eaten snake? - no
Marched/Protested? - yes
Had Mexican jumping beans for pets? - yes
Puked on an amusement ride? - yes
Seriously & intentionally boycotted something? - yes
Been in a band? - yes
Knitted? - no
Been on TV? - yes
Shot a gun? - no
Skinny-dipped? - yes
Given someone stitches? - no
Eaten a whole habenero pepper? - yes
Ridden a surfboard? - yes
Drunk straight from a liquor bottle? - yes
Had surgery? - yes
Streaked? - not that I remember. *G*
Been taken by ambulance to a hospital? - yes
Tripped on mushrooms? - yes
Passed out when NOT drinking? - yes
Peed on a bush? - yes
Donated Blood? - yes
Grabbed electric fence? - no
Eaten alligator meat? -- no
Eaten cheesecake? - yes
Eaten your kids' Halloween candy? - n/a
Killed an animal when not hunting? - by accident w/the car
Peed your pants in public? - no
Snuck into a movie without paying? -- yes
Written graffiti? - yes
Still love someone you shouldn't? - yes
Think about the future? - yes
Been in handcuffs? - yes
Believe in love? - not sure
Sleep on a certain side of the bed? - yes


Worst People in the World!

image Click to view

Oh, Elizabeth, never stop being a stupid twit mouthpiece for the right wing without having any idea what you're squeaking about. And how is this first bitch not under arrest? She is ACTIVELY PROMOTING AND FACILITATING VIOLENCE, possibly MURDER. Um, this is not protected free speech, imo.


Radio Show Loses Sponsors After Hosts Suggest Beating Transgender Kids

Uh, MOAR PLZ. Personally, I'd like to unleash a small gang of very large men bearing clubs and brass knuckles on these assholes. The very LEAST that should happen is they should lose their jobs. Why aren't people trying to run them out of town like they did Don Imus? Right wing freaks get away with far too much of this shit. Hey, you know where free speech ends? When it actively advocates violence against others. ESPECIALLY children! WTF, people?


Mr. Obama, please stand up. It's all nice that you declared June National LGBT Pride Month and all, but we need some SUBSTANTIAL help here. Don't give me a plaque and some speeches when my friends can not only not get married in most states, they'll get kicked out of the military after long and faithful service because they are other than straight.


John Stewart & The Daily Show Weigh In


I am just completely exhausted and fed up with everything today. It may have something to do with the fact that I got about three hours of sleep, and a nap didn't seem to help, or it could be that GODADDY.COM SUCKS AND COMPLETELY FUCKED ME OVER. After taking my $20 and saying they would fix my domain, they inform me today that they (as I said they had in the first fucking place) SOLD MY DOMAIN TO SOMEONE ELSE. Oh, but they'd be happy to take an even BIGGER fee to buy it back IF IT BECAME AVAILABLE! MY FUCKING NAME, PEOPLE. MY DOMAIN THAT I HAVE HAD WITH THEM SINCE 2005. THEY DIDN'T EVEN TELL ME THEY WERE CANCELLING IT OR THAT THERE WAS ANY TROUBLE WITH THE PAYMENT, THEY JUST SOLD THE FUCKING THING. MY ENTIRE FUCKING BRAND NAME. I am making it my solemn duty to inform as many people as humanly possible what a SUCKASS company GoDaddy is. I have had NOTHING but problems with them over the years, and now they've just been sucking my PayPal dry hosting AN ACCOUNT THAT DOESN'T FUCKING EXIST. All of my advertising, all of my mailing lists, my emails, all of the promo work I've done over the years is fricking USELESS. I have to not only find another host, which costs money I don't have, I have to register a WHOLE NEW DOMAIN, with .net instead of fucking .com WHICH I HAVE ALWAYS HAD. ARRRRRGH!

Ugh, I'm just fucking exhausted and sick of dealing with life in fucking general. I wish I had a fricking joint.

So I am shopping for the impossible -- an EXTREMELY cheap, RELIABLE host with DECENT CUSTOMER SERVICE. So far I've had these recommended: Bluehost.com, Fortunecity.com, LunarPages.com, JustHost.com, and FatCow.com (which I really sort of like. *G*) Can you guys recommend any others?

Fuck, it's going to be so much work to get this new info out there to everywhere I've posted it. What really pissed me off is that fucking GoDaddy sold it to one of those Russian domain farms that's not using it, just sitting on it waiting for me to beg for it back at whatever freaking cost they choose to charge. ARGH.

Well, at least I wrote a couple of drabbles today. Only 200 words, but it's 200 words more than what I've been writing lately. What I need is some fluffy porn. Any recs? Fandoms I'm reading: Krambert/Kradam (American Idol), SPN, Merlin, True Blood, B/A (duh), Star Trek '09. The funnier the better. NO ANGST PLEASE. *she said with no irony at all even though she just posted a Dead Angel drabble*

You know what? I'm just going to post this now and go play Glambert Fangirl. As long as I avoid the OMG TEH GHEYZ ignorance, it will be fun.

issues: lgbtq rights, godaddy sucks, meme, issues: marriage equality, give me fic!, right wing asshattery

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