Jun 03, 2009 22:01

Mr. Obama, you rock. Now if only you would change your mind on the marriage equality issue (and a few other things -- I'm really concerned about the various privacy and spying issues that are still Status Quo from the fascist Bush regime. And seemingly getting worse.)

What is Pride?

If, like me, you're stuck in a place with no Pride -- well, not that there's no Queer Pride here, just that there's no big parade. The community is fairly insular, and for perfectly understandable -- though sad -- reasons. I always endeavor to be a good ally, and you know LGBT issues are my biggest political "thing", but I want to spend this month appreciating the contributions and tribulations of the gay community by appreciating its art!

Glaad, for example, has Pride TV a list of LGBT programming on Television.

The Logo Network (imagine, five years ago there WAS no LGBT network!) lists their top 10 Gay Movies You Have to See!

1. But I'm a Cheerleader!
2. Gods & Monsters
3. Children's Hour (1961)
4. Maurice
5. Jeffrey
6. Wrangler: The Anatomy of an Icon
7. All About Eve
8. Mulligans
9. High Art
10. Milk

They also mention Noah's Arc, Beautiful Thing, and Bound.

I'm going to hunt a few of those down myself -- starting with But I'm a Cheerleader!

Music: Okay, first, I found this link, which is MUSIC YOU SHOULD BAN FROM YOUR HOME IF YOU DON'T WANT YOUR CHILDREN TO TURN GAY! Which, to me, means acts that I should probably try harder to support. I don't know if this is a joke or not, but the Jonas Brothers are on there as a "Gateway Band". Man, am I glad I'm not a Christian. I would hate to have to keep decrying the asshats that make my side look bad. *patently ignores the odder of the naked tree dancing Pagans with names like Sir DragonDancer and Lady NutFaery* He also lists the Dresden Dolls as a "safe" band, along with Cheap Trick and Evanescence? o_O

On a more legit note, check out OutVoice.net, home of the LGBT Musicians Top 40 list. I've been a freak for Indigo Girls music for YEARS, and though I've lost interest in her most recent work, Melissa Etheridge as well.

Want to learn something about LGBT visual art? Check out Wikipedia's LGBT Art Portal or GayCity USA's directory of artists' webpages.

Don't forget, our own fannish communities are full of wonderful queer writers, artists, philosophers and other characters, and lots of GAY PORN! *G*

Let's celebrate PRIDE!


RIP David Eddings.


In more fannish news:


Because of Twilight fame, Quileute Tribe hires a publicist.

I'm not sure how I feel about that. I mean, good for them for hiring someone to help with this, because the series makes soup out of Quileute tradition, right along with playing on the old Native = Animal trope. But still, it makes me uncomfortable that they should HAVE to do that. I don't know.


Extended Vampire Diaries Trailer:

image Click to view

Um... I'm less sure about this now, but... I'll give it a chance. The mantra, "At least it's not Twilight!" goes a long way with me.


Five Reasons the so-called "Buffy" re-boot Won't Work

Here, I have five for you:

1.) No SMG
2.) No DB
3.) No Scoobies/Giles
4.) No Big Bad of the Season
5.) No Joss (I can't believe I just typed that, but there it is)

Several of these are covered in the article. With his other ones, we could make ten. I'm sure all of us together (fandom-wise) could make a list of HUNDREDS.

NO, Kuzui's, NO! Go find something else you're only nominally a part of and gut THAT.


Cheney Backs Gay Marriage

He's still Satan. He's just a slightly less homophobic Satan. It's typical of the right, actually. He only feels like this because his daughter is gay. I remember my mother telling me a lot of stories about when she was coming of age in the 60's, rich women could always get abortions, even though they were illegal. Hypocrisy, they name is self-righteous right wingers!

I don't think basic human civil rights should be a state by state issue, personally.


Now this "re-booting" shit is just getting ridiculous. WRITE SOMETHING ORIGINAL, HOLLYWOOD.


I've decided to give PORN BATTLE VIII a shot. I haven't written anything in YEARS, but I can do 2500 words as long as nothing horrible happens between now and June 15 *knocks on wood*. I think I'd like to try a new fandom, AND maybe something Buffy/Angel-verse. We'll see.

If you want to see something B/A (or whatever *G*) from me, go over there and comment -- you can do it anonymously if you want. I'm willing to write PORN! in the following fandoms/pairings:


B/A (duh)

Being Human: I'll try anything, but it will go better for you if it involves Mitchell. *G* I'm fond of Mitchell/Annie, myself.
SPN: Dean/Castiel
Merlin: Merlin/Arthur, Arthur/Lancelot, Morgana/Gwen
True Blood: Eric/Sookie, Sookie/Tara, Sookie/Pam, Pam/Eric/Sookie
HP: Remus/Sirius

I dunno, try me on something and maybe I'll give it a shot. *G* I get to choose whatever prompts I want to write.


What is "Biblical Marriage?"

image Click to view


Okay, I'm off to watch the Glee pilot again, because I wasn't watching it closely the first time, and all the SQUEE makes me feel like I missed something. :D

I hope everybody had the most FABULOUS day they could possibly have!

buffy "reset", rip, lgbt film, twilight sucks, tv: glee, porn battle viii, tv: true blood, cheney is satan, tv: vampire diaries, pride month

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