Happy June Randomosity and some Grouchiness

Jun 02, 2009 20:04



Hey! This is really cool --
tobyaw created a tool to find out which of your LJ Friends has come on over to DW to play!


Is anybody else not getting their LJ notifications... AGAIN? *sigh* FAIL, LJ. BIG FAIL.


Hahahaha Slashy M&Ms! Hee! Australia so pwns us sometimes.


This is the funniest thing I've seen in a long time. Thanks to
dracodraconis via

image Click to view

"What the effing crap, that angel guy just felt me up."

Don't miss the other videos at the site!


Well, I managed to wear the mask all night last night, but I suspect that's because I took pain pills before bed, and they always make me pass out. I'm talking like, "Oh, I'm going to read for a minute zzzzzzz." I don't know that I feel any better or worse this morning than I usually do. Kind of blah. But hey, it's a start, I suppose.


NEW DMB! NEW DMB! NEW DMB! (Gods, I hate iTunes) NEW DMB! Man I would love to go see them this summer. But not only do I not have the money, I just don't have the gumption. I had a good time the last time I went (2003? I can't even remember) but I was annoyed by a lot of the BS too. The asshole security that wouldn't let me bring in my backpack, but felt okay letting people bring in tent bags full of chairs; kids chatting on the cell phone during the show, etc. etc.

But NEW DMB! *shakes bones*

You know what else came out today? The Sims 3. Which looks like it might just be the BEST VIDEO GAME EVER. And again, makes me glad I have neither the money nor the computer power to obtain and play said game, because it would be a year before you ever heard from me again. I mean, every time I get into a Sims 2 mood I disappear for months at a stretch. Sims 3 looks even BETTER.

I'M LISTENING TO THE NEW DMB NOOOOOOW! I love you, Dave! SQUEEEE! Guys, you just have no idea what Dave's music has meant to my life. More than once, it seemed like I was sinking in the black, bottomless pit of my depression, and some DMB song has grabbed me and dragged me up. It's happened with almost every album, and it's happening right now. I'm actually a little weepy right now listening to Dive In from the new album. This guy just... touches something in me. GODS it sounds so wanky, but there it is.


"In the past, the reaction to our records has been like having a puppy you fall in love with - in two weeks, you love it more, and in six months, you love it more. This one starts out a good-lookin' dog. And then I think it's only going to get better." - Dave

YES, that's EXACTLY how it is. And he's absolutely right about this album. I don't think I was as instantly hooked by any of their albums before this one. I'm junked out already. Others have sort of grown on me (Stand Up never really has -- I need to give it a better chance, I think), but now they stand as some of my all time favorite records. In fact, it's safe to say that "Before These Crowded Streets" and "Busted Stuff" are in my top 5.

Hulu has some great DMB stuff available. The new band shot makes me sad -- it looks so empty without LeRoi.

The video of my favorite song of all time behind the cut.


So, courtesy of a very good media crack dealing friend, I watched LESBIAN VAMPIRE KILLERS last night. I was REALLY torn about this movie! On one hand, I loved the camp, the LOL moments, the EWWW moments, the ridiculous premise, the characters, all of it. It was just perfect Z-Movie fare.

And then there's sometimes-sensitive feminist pro-gay me who thought... wow, that was really offensive toward women, and gay women in particular. I mean, anyone who's a vampire afficianado is familiar with the story of Carmilla, in which the homoerotic subtext is not really sub at all. Carmilla preferred the ladies. Well, this movie takes that them and sort of... storms off with it. The curse at the center of the movie makes all the women of this particular village into vampires at 18 -- specifically, lesbian vampires, as the Queen, Carmilla, was gay and it was her curse. So, okay, that's not so bad. But it gets... more uncomfortable. First, talk about the Dead Lesbian trope -- all the lesbians in the movie are dead or "cured" by the end. Um... eiyeee. That's troublesome.

Another fun fact: when you kill the lesbian vampires, they don't turn to dust or glitter or smoke or explode into flame or turn into buckets of blood and/or guts and/or bones. No, they turn into a really nasty white gooey substance that looks like nothing less than jizz. Yeah, that's right -- the lesbian vampires turn into seminal fluid when they're killed.

But wait, there's more! You know how the Queen Lesbian is killed? With a special sword (phallic in itself) with a PENIS-SHAPED HILT. Seriously. So in other words, we cure the lesbians with a good, stiff dicking. Sure, it's supposed to be wry and ironic, and it made me laugh. But then I remembered... people still really believe that a lesbian can be "cured" by the right man. Finally, all the heroes are men except one... and she's a virgin. All the "slutty chicks" die.

So... I'm highly ambivalent about the movie. I laughed, I fumed, I... think you should see it for yourself and not just take my word for it.


You know something I've learned from being out in Adam Lambert fandom? I had completely forgotten that the vast majority of people outside of LJ are NOT sophisticated about sexuality or LGBT culture and politics. AT ALL. There are some incredibly ignorant, bigoted things being said every few minutes, and it's hard just not to lose my mind and start screaming at people. And these are PRO-Adam people, supposedly! I know it's a lack of exposure/education/whatever, but... I find myself stopping every time sexuality is hinted at, skirted around, dismissed, ignored, or otherwise devalued, and wondering how much good I can do saying anything.

But of course, being the GIANT BIG MOUTH that I am, I got a thread closed today because I quietly flipped out that people were calling pictures of Adam holding his boyfriend's hand coming out of a club "Bad PR." STFU! ARRRGH. I thought I was pretty calm, considering some of the BS being spewed. I think the harshest word I used was "archaic". But still, SNIP, there it went. That is why I have my own squee zone, I guess, but MAN. WTF is wrong with people?


And in closing:


music: dmb, random, lj fail, health tmi, dreamwidth, movies: lesbian vampire killers, funneh: video

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