May 12, 2009 21:18
I'm just watching a crap bootleg somebody sent me. The movie ROCKS, I can't wait to see it on a full screen. I may even have to gather all the bottles in my neighborhood and pay for a ticket. AWESOME. I swear that was a frickin' GREAT movie, and honestly, I've never been much of a Trek fan. I mean, I dug TOS in a kitschy sort of way, liked TNG well enough (*waves to honey Patrick Stewart*) and never had feelings one way or the other for DS9 or... the other ones that I can't even remember right now (!) but this was frickin GRRREAT!
I think Bones is still my favorite -- he was in TOS too. Such a dreary smart ass bastard. But I really enjoyed all the casting (and the cameos). Definitely worth seeing again!
More when I see a better copy. *G*
I had to take a break from BSG during Season 4 (you know which part), because MY GOD can that show get anymore dreary? Do I still need to cut for BSG spoilers? Eh, I'll just avoid details then. Let's just say that it seems like the producer of BSG takes the same NEVERENDING MISERY AND PAIN pills that Whedon does. *shakes fist at Whedon*
I know it's considered good storytelling to just continually torture your characters, and I'm all about that. But shouldn't there be some kind of payoff at the end? A reward? I mean, maybe it doesn't work that way in real life, but personally, I like my fiction realistic, but ultimately escapist.
I think I've had this conversation in various incarnations over the years in assorted contexts. But it keeps coming up!
Let's see, what else has been going on besides overdosing on Battlestar? Um... not much, honestly. STandard housework, doctor's appointments (I go get my breathing machine thingy on Thursday -- hope that'll perk me up a little), forcing myself to write even though I still feel pretty much devoid of any creative spark or passion. Having a bit of a Crohn's flare up, which is ironic, since the walk is this weekend. I'm totally doped up on pain pills. Oh! And pissed off at my so-called "doctor"! I swear he doesn't take me seriously AT. ALL. It's beyond the whole "Medicaid patients are all worthless junkies" routine I got through with my meds. I told him I've been dizzy and nauseous a lot, and that I don't really have good days and bad days... more bad days and worse days.
He says, "It's probably a side effect of your meds. Don't worry about it."
Buh? So... I have to wait until I'm bleeding, unable to eat or get out of bed before I get serious medical attention? What the frak do I have a primary for then anyway, other than make me jump through hoops of fire to get my meds? GRR!
Okay, enough whinging - time for FRINGE! Bow to the cow, ya'll.
star trek 09,