Caturday of Randomosity.

Sep 22, 2007 21:32

I hope all of my Jewish friends had an easy fast!

For more information about Yom Kippur, check out this link.

Happy Autumnal Equinox to my sister and brother Pagans! (It hits at 5 am EST tomorrow).


OMG SQUEE! I finally finished editing OTHERWORLD, the sequel to THE VEIL -- only took me a YEAR. So of course, I submitted it immediately, because I've been promising it to my publisher for that entire year. She actually squeed when she got it, she said. I have to take that as a good sign that it'll be accepted. *G* And you know, re-reading it again has reminded me how much I like that universe. Maybe I'll write something else for it next year after all the other stuff I've got on the burner is done. :)

I hope everybody buys it and likes it! *G*


My Real Age

Biological Age: 37
Real Age: 30.3
Average Life Expectancy: 75
My Life Expectancy: 81.7

I can expect to live another 16300 more days.

Hm. I'm skeptical.



Your home is a Rough Magnate's Headquarters
Your kitchen is someplace you never go, because you "have people for that." There's a Chocolatessen, which is rapidly becoming your favorite room of the house. Having one is also becoming a trend among your wealthy neighbors. Your master bedroom is the size of a small barn, with carpet thick enough to reach your ankles. Your study has hardback editions of every classic ever written, plus a special edition of Rich Dad, Poor Dad with the parts you ghost-authored highlighted. One of your garages holds your collection of ferraris, and is measured in acreage.

Your home also includes a guest wing and private quarters for your servants. Your guests enjoy your animatronic replica of the cantina at Mos Eisley. Outside is your hedge maze and gardens, meticulously tended by a team of world-class botanists.

And, you have a pet -- a doberman pincer named "Warren".

Below is a snippet of the blueprints:

Find YOUR Dream Home!


Pick five fandoms and then answer the questions. Don't look at the questions before you choose!

Yoinked from ormspryde

1. Buffy/Angel
2. Firefly
3. Harry Potter
4. Supernatural
5. Farscape

1. Which is your favorite series from your list? And why?

Angel, because that's the one that always has the tightest grip on my imagination.

2. If you were to pair two characters from 1 and 4, who would they be?

Faith and Dean, which a lot of people have already figured out. Second maybe Angel and John? Because they're hot. *G*

3. What is one thing you'd like to change about 3's plotline?

Sirius' death!

4. If both main characters of 2 and 5 were falling off a cliff, which one would you save?

Hm. Between Mal and John? Wow, that's a tough one! Probably John. Don't ask me why, that's what came to mind. Could be because I'm watching Farscape right now, and love John with all my heart.

5. Which event was the most horrible for you in 1?

Horrible in what way? General heartbreak? There's so much of it it's hard to pick one. From Buffy sending Angel to hell to Angel leaving, to Buffy dying and many more... I can't! The worst to watch? Still Where the Wild Things Are. Horrible as in Horrifying? Seeing Red.

6. Which is your least favorite character of 2?

I like them all so much! Depends on when you ask, I suppose. Book or Inara?

7. If the antagonist of 3 were to rape the main character of 1, what would you do?

Be completely shocked, for so many reasons! 1. Harry wouldn't, and 2. Harry couldn't unless he used magic -- Buffy would KICK HIS ASS.

ETA: Hee. Somebody pointed out that the question was about ANTAGONIST, not Protagonist, and that changes the answer. Even though rape was not listed as one of Voldy's weapons, I can't say that I would be shocked if he decided to use it. I mean, he didn't balk at torture or murder, so...

So I would be horrified, but not shocked.

8. What song reminds you of 5?

Should I Stay or Should I Go - The Clash; Home Sweet Home - Motley Crue

9. Of 1, 3, and 5, which is the easiest to think about?

1 by a long shot.

10. Are the protagonists of 2 and 4 similar?

Mmmm. Sort of. Both Dean and Mal are crusty on the outside, squishy on the inside, both are smartasses and good natured, both desperately loyal to their family, both dedicated to freedom and bound to life on the open "road" (or sky). So yeah, I guess they are a lot alike.

That was fun!


To everyone who has been spreading around that email about the young woman who died from the three-period-a-year birth control pill, Snopes has the details. While there's no way to confirm or deny the details of the email other than that the woman named did exist and did die of a stroke, there is more information to this than just what's contained in the email. Please don't get your medical advice from a viral junk email, okay? Don't get it from Snopes, either. Ask your doctor or Planned Parenthood caregiver.


Woohoo! The Sims 2: Bon Voyage!

For those who don't know, I am an absolute Sims 2 junkie. I'm SO asking for this for Christmas. Of course, that means you won't see me for at least two months. *G*


The love affair is over between Girls Read Comics and the Black Canary -- and I can't say that I blame them! Wow.

holiday, meme

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