Blessings and Siren Noises

Sep 12, 2007 21:04

L'Shanah Tovah to all my Jewish sisters and brothers. Peace to you and yours for the new year!

For those who would like to learn more about Rosh Hashanah, check out the article at Judaism 101!


DEATH FLU, DAY THREE. Although it didn't hit DEATH level until yesterday, it still counts. BECAUSE I SAID SO.

I tried to call the clinic today, but gave up after they left me on hold for TEN MINUTES. Ugh. I'll try again later after lunchtime's over. Meanwhile I'll just sit here and whine. MY EARS ARE POPPING! Somebody call the WAAAAHMBULANCE!


I saw somebody say the other day during a discussion that "gay bashing doesn't happen anymore."

I want to know what fucking fairyland they're living in. Pun intended. In fucking NEW YORK, even.


Sierra Club's Golden Boy Sells Out to Wal-Mart.

My first reaction to this article was, OMG THE HORROR! What an asshole! But then I read it. And thought about it. Now I'm not sure it's so awful. Something has to be done about the big corporate evils, right? Right. Now whether this kid really can effect change is something else entirely. What really struck me about the article was the way he was treated by supposedly progressive activists. It struck me because I experienced the same thing many times when I was politically active in college. I was told I couldn't be a feminist because I slept with men, for example. There were constant fights about whose oppression was worse, based on sexuality, religion, race, ethnicity, ability, socioeconomic class, etc. More recently, PETA founder Ingrid Newkirk essentially said that fat people couldn't be animal rights activists, and were, in fact, the primary problem when it came to animal rights.

I'm sure others can think of examples too. We progressives don't like to talk about it because we don't want "the other side" to know there's dissent within the ranks. The fact is, a big part of the reason that we can't get things done is because we're all too busy pushing our own personal agendas to realize that ALL THE AGENDAS support and feed on one another. That every form of oppression is ALL oppression. The saying no one is free until everyone is free really fits here.

Anyway, I recommend the article. It certainly made me think.

holiday, environment, gay rights

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