Open_On_Sunday - Two School Drabbles

Sep 03, 2007 20:35

The whip sliced Spike's skin, the smell of blood staining the air, making him wish Angel would fuck him into next Tuesday instead of this archaic sadist crap.

"It's time you learned the proper way to address me, boy. You should be long over the urge to call me Angelus by now."

"Yeah! Because you're so much nicer and less fucking psychotic with a soul!"

Crack. The whip took another chunk from his back. He screamed in spite of his vow not to.

When his grandsire promised he was going to take Spike to school, he wasn't bloody well kidding.

Buffy stared into the tank, unable to believe what Willow was telling her. "These are the things that have been eating the campers?" She glanced at her friends gathered around the table upon which it sat. "Seriously?"

"Seriously. I cast the Bowman Litmus, and they turned red -- which means they've been devouring human flesh. About 10 kids' worth."

"Okay, first: ew. And second: seriously?" She peered back in again at the tiny fish swimming around in the dirty water. They shone green, orange and purple in the light, marked with a print that was almost mesmerizing. "That's just weird."

drabbles, open_on_sunday

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