I'm up, I'm down. It's an entertainment-driven roller coaster.

Jul 05, 2007 21:29

I am a VERY unhappy camper this morning, as my ficlet earlier expressed. MAN, I am sick to DEATH of doom and gloom and misery in my favorite entertainment! And people wonder why I read and write romance? Jesus. How is this escapist, to have the heroes just continuously buried under more and more pain and loss. That's not entertaining after a while! I guess I should give some background on my annoyance.

SHE KILLED KISTEN. My favorite character. Why? There was no purpose for it in the story. Except to make it easier for Rachel and Ivy too hook up, which just DOESN'T WORK. Ugh! I'm sick of writers I love doing this shit! I don't expect happy, sparkly endings. I expect people to die -- but not my favorite character. And not the character the heroine is in love with. That's like, ANTI-romance, and boy does that NOT work for me. And not only that, it was a hardcover -- it took all the money I had to buy it. But I had learned to count on her for really great entertainment. And she does this? This... stupid, useless murder? Why? I mean, it's becoming apparent that she hates men (unless they're four inches tall), and I just don't know if I"m on board for this.

Of course, this book tasted like it could be (and probably should be) the end of the series. All the loose ends were tied up, Piscary's dead, Al is in Everafter jail, Jenks bought the church. And the writing just didn't have the passion or, excuse the pun, bite the other books had. Maybe she's moving on. I don't know. But I do know if there are any more books in the series, I'm sure as hell not buying them hardback!


I need some Nora Roberts or something. Oh, how I wish I had bought one of the two last J.D. Robb books instead of this. In that series, Nora has built a couple that stands together over time, that faces hard times, serial killers, near death experiences side-by-side, and are STEAMING HOT and so FUCKED UP. But they're fucked up TOGETHER.

If she fucking kills Roarke, I swear I'm going postal. I know she won't *knocks on wooden head* -- these are romance novels, and you're NOT ALLOWED TO HAVE AN UNHAPPY ENDING IN A ROMANCE NOVEL. God damnit.

I barely got any sleep last night, I was so wrapped up in finding out what happened in A FEW DEMON'S MORE. And then I cried HARD when we found out Kisten was really dead. Not good. *sniffle*

Hallelujah for cathartic, smutty ficlets.


Hahahahahaha! I can't believe I've never read this before!

The Top 100 Things I'd Do If I Ever Became an Evil Overlord

*resumes cracking up*


I want it noted for the record: *I* DO NOT LOVE RAYMOND.


I'm so happy watching this. *sigh* Phantom Dennis! I forgot all about Phantom Dennis! Gods, so much badness in later years made it so easy to forget the goodness of the early ones. *sigh* Really, the love I had for these shows at their best was just so deep and complete, it's sort of scary in retrospect.

I have to confess: I postponed watching IWRY all day because I was already so glum. I'm still sitting here staring at the starting screen, debating if I should just skip it, or let my heart get ripped out. I AM A COWARD. But I mean, it's not like I haven't seen it four million times and can still quote half the dialogue by heart.

Well... it's much later, and I watched it. Now I'm a wreck. I hate Mutant Enemy. HATE.


See, this is why I can't watch this episode. It's not just the sodden B/A-agony of it all -- it's what it represented to Angel. All the things he ever wanted: humanity, love... Buffy. He had it, for just a moment, and he had to give it away for Buffy's good, and for the good of the world.

That? Is a hero.

iwry, evil overlord list, rachel morgan series, kim harrison, ats: season 1, b/a

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