
Jan 20, 2005 12:51

My cholesterol is really high
Surely I shall soonly die
No more crumpets, no more pie
But I still don't think I quite get Phi!
Did you see Pi? Nearly made me cry!
Why oh why is my cholesterol high?
Clogging up my insides, *sigh*
See you all on The Other Side?
Bye, bye, bye.:(

I think I'm sick, or something. Again. Fuck this I'm going home. I'm tired of getting sick every couple of weeks also lately? Stress? Poor eating? Hatred of all things perceptible and otherwise? I dunno whatever.

So yesterday was really crappy (don't worry this is in the end an STDless scenario)...

So I noticed a small swollen lump in my inner left thigh. And one on my inner right thigh. The one on the left turned slightly purple.
So yesterday I thought.... uh shit.... did I get an STD or something somehow? Do I have herpes now? Am I f0000ked for life? Shitty!

Doctor visit today. So aside from the high cholesterol, also they're swollen lymph nodes. Also my sinuses are being bitches and I have a sinus headache (rare for me). So yay, no herpes (or something else bad)! Boo, I'm broken or something. Gonna go get my antibiotics and go home where I can hate the universe in the peace of mine own apartment.

Update 2:
BY THE WAY, I just reread this. It kinda sounds... uh... I didn't phrase it right. I was worried I mighta had an STD or something lingering from a chick from eight years ago, no one more recently or anything. I wasn't thinking when I wrote this due to my headache and being at work. And like I said, upon rereading it occurs to me that it's... like... easy to read that as me really being a dick which I didn't mean to be - I'm just retarded. :P

random stuff i made!

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