Fallout 3 - Finished

Mar 04, 2009 22:17

Finally finished Fallout 3 <---(great, second trailer I'd never seen)! Holy crap. *loved* it. Have some shit to say, and

So I took my sweet fucking time obviously, in-game too as my game was like I dunno 120 hours or so (I'll double check later). I went the super, uber good guy route.

The Reilly's Rangers mission was long and a fucking pain. Much like that early on subterranean fire breathing ants mission. Just wanted to say that.

I tried to zero in more and more on the main quest as I got closer to the level cap (though the Reilly's Rangers quest propelled me like two and a half levels so I was unprepared for that sudden increase). Still I timed it pretty well, dinged twenty about when I met Fawkes (whom I love!!) and got the GEK.

In the end (counter to previous conversations I'd had with disoculated I pretty much loved the minigun. I was basically mr. minigun and mr. dart gun. ♥ dart gun. Ran around with the Reilly's Ranger armor until game end 'cuz the fact that the nasty Fort Constantine armor couldn't be repaired in any way, shape, or form annoyed the shit out of me. So it was mostly me in my Reilly's Ranger armor and a powered armor helmet (Tesla eventually).

I dunno about you, but I'd found that violin for Agnes or whomever earlier in the game, which gives you a new radio station w/ sweeping violin scores. So I listened to it for about ten minutes, turned it off, and that was that. UNTIL I walked outside of the citadel and found myself charging through DC after Liberty Fucking Prime man. Then in a eureka moment I turned on the sweeping, momentus, violin station and cranked that shit. Epic man. Epic.

Never did find that supposedly Lovecraft inspired house or whatever, I may have to look that up and go check it out. Also never found the crashed alien ship. Or a death claw schematic. The only quest I had left but didn't bother doing was the retrieval of the Declaration of Independence, I dunno just didn't feel like it. I also didn't really do shit to resolve the Tenpenny Tower human / ghoul problem, they all seemed like assholes so I decided to let them work it out their damnselves. I did go back into 101 to deal with the new Overseer, that would have been a super, super easy quest to miss entirely, dunno how many if you noticed it (otoh I didn't spend much time listening to my radio).

I'm sure there's a bunch more but nothing I can think of atm. OH I blew up the "president" and lied about having the vial so no one would use it, 'cuz I played a chipper little nancy boy who'd never kill off all the muties, heh. Dogmeat disappeared at some point, though I'd left him in my house, I can only assume Fawkes ate him. ;)

Love it. Different than Wasteland and I imagine a bit diff from Fallout 1 'n 2 (I'm told) but I still love it. Definitely the most believably immersive portrayal of an after the bomb scenario that I've played, though between the modern graphics and actually living in the area maybe that's part of it. I'll admit the whole 1950's thing seemed (mostly) a little underwhelming, any time it seemed to be sinking in I'd go back outside into the Wasteland and it was all straight up Mad Max again, didn't completely jive. Bioshock did the whole 50's thing a tiny bit better IMHO.

Anyway, can't wait for four. Actually, considering how long that took, I'm looking forward to it but I can definitely wait for it. :)


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