Fandom (Boredom)

May 25, 2009 08:23

Comment to this entry and I'll pick three of your fandoms. You must then update your journal and answer the following questions:

01: What got you into this fandom in the first place?
02: Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on?
03: Favorite episodes/books/movies/etc.?
04: Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)?
05: Do you think that more people should get into this fandom?

cws_eat_chs  gave me The Office, The Mighty Boosh, and Doctor Who.

The Office
1. I guess I just got into it when I watched it on TV. Probably because I think Steve Carrell is funny, so that's why I started watching it. Oh, and I had seen an episode of the UK version and thought it was an interesting concept.

2. As long as the show continues being good, I'll keep watching it. Though I'mbehind on the latest season by a couple episodes. I'd still like at least one more season (I think -- I haven't seen this finale yet), but too many more will likely be pushing it. I hope it doesn't get to the point where I don't like it anymore.

3. I really like "The Alliance" where Jim forms an "alliance" with Dwight in the face of potential downsizing in the company. I can't remember which season it is, 1 or 2, but it's early. And it's got some adorable Jim/Pam moments before they are together. My absolute favourite moment of it is when Dwight and Jim are talking in the parking lot, and Dwight kicks a car which causes the alarm to go off, and Jim just calmly takes out his key ring and turns off the alarm. I don't know why, but I just love that bit.

4. Not really. But I did do this art meme.

5. Well, it does have lots of fans, and I try to get all my friends to watch it (or at least give it a chance), but it's not everyone's cup of tea, especially if you don't like watching other people in painfully awkward situations (I love it, personally).

The Mighty Boosh
1. Leah. She made us watch some clips and the live show on youtube and stuff, and then I watched all the episodes in about three days. In a short amount of time afterwards, I had downloaded all the episodes and bonus features and seen every show that Julian or Noel are in, and I went to see them live in Manchester and got the special edition DVD set and The Mighty Book of Boosh and...yeah. I jumped right in on this one.

2. Well, already I'm not quite as intensely and insanely obsessed as I was at first, but it is still one of my absolute favourite shows, and I can see it staying that was for a long time (forever). It is a really good-quality show, so I can't see me ever not liking it.

3. It's hard to pick just one, but I think "Electro" deserves that title, because I've watched about fifty times or something ridiculous like that, and it has so many of my favourite bits in it (it has the Spirit of Jazz AND the electro girls! ...and Howard in a thong) and I can ALWAYS watch it. Even when I'm not in a Boosh mood, I will still watch it if someone suggests it. I don't think I'll ever get tired of that one.

4. Uh. Yes. I have an entire category in DA for fanarts I make of them, and owr_fiction is a series of silly short stories by cws_eat_chs, supersharmie , and myself that highly feature *Alternate Universe* Noel and Julian (based on a dream I had once).

5. Completely! Especially in Canada so that we can get the show on a network that more people will see, and maybe then they boys will do a live tour over here! :D

Doctor Who
1. Leah again. I remember when we first learned we would be roommates, in one of our first ever conversations to each other, she mentioned she was really into Doctor Who. I didn't know much about it at the time, but she told me she was going to try to get me hooked on it. I was quite skeptical. But look, here I am, hooked! We watched all the episodes in just over a month, I think. It was intense. But awesome.

2. I hope I stay in it, as long as it stays good. Even if it does get bad (which I doubt) I will always love the episodes so far. Besides, there are so many years of content to look back to, that there's gotta be something I'll like no matter what.

3. I've recently learned that I LOVE the S3 finale episodes. I realized this when I watched them about three times within two weeks and I wasn't sick of them. I enjoyed watching them every time, which is rare with Doctor Who, because I can't usually watch the same episode in a row too closely. I feel like I just get a lot of adventure and stuff from those episodes (and a bit of John Simm, which is nice). And Martha is BADASS. I kind of love her now, after watching S3 again. Not as much as Rose or Donna, but definitely more than I used to.

4. I just talk about it with friends (trying to get other friends into it), and The Doctor is a character in some owr_fiction stories. Also, I made this self-insert comic.

5. Yeah, I think it would be cool if more people were into it. It's really good. For a non-American show, though, it does have quite a lot of North American fans, so that's nice. Generally, people have at least heard of it, unlike The Mighty Boosh, for example.

While this isn't one of the ones I was assigned, I'd just like to mention I am a huge fan of Flight of the Conchords and I made this wallet which, as you can see, someone else thought was cool enough that he wanted to take a picture of it at TCAF. It was Derek Kirk Kim! Author of my favourite graphic novel (really a book of short stories), Same Difference!

picturebox: the office, picturebox: doctor who, picturebox: the mighty boosh, interweb: meme, interweb: fandom, wordypages: tcaf, soundnoise: flight of the conchords

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