Dec 31, 2008 06:21

This entry is about the first couple days of my visit, where I went with Bronwen to her residence at school. Nothing that exciting happened.

I slept at Bronwen's house in Halifax the night I got in (Tuesday, December 16), and the next day we headed off for her university...first thing in the morning. She goes to the University of Hull, but she lives in a residence in Cottingham, which is quite close. We got there around 10 in the morning, and I immediately had a little nap while Bronwen went to her class. I only managed to get a couple hours in before I could no longer stand the BLARING music outside her room, especially after the 5th consecutive playing of the song that goes "You're hot then you're cold, you're yes then you're no, you're in then you're out, you're up then you're down". Yes. Five times in a row. Haunted me for days. And I thought my trip couldn't get worse (lol).
In the afternoon, we went shopping in Hull (got there via bus), which was cool. I found some great deals on DVDs, and I picked up the special edition of The Mighty Boosh, which I snatched up as if I would never see it again (I would later discover that it is, in fact, in EVERY FUCKING STORE, even book stores which only have a few selections for DVDs). I got some little gifties for people, and it was a nice time. That night, I think Bronwen and I watched some "Queer as Folk" (still on about that, aren't I?) and "Mighty Boosh", which she thoroughly enjoyed, and I was pleased to have made a new convert. (THANKS, LEAH! :D)
The next day was not quite so grand. Bronwen was sick. She was coming down with the cold/flu thing that may have been what her brother was just getting over (who was not home at the time that I was at her house so far). So she didn't go to her class (though she did email her prof and get someone to grab her work for her...she's so responsible!). We did go into Cottingham so she could buy some crackers, and we looked in a couple charity shops where I bought a sweater - a black and white "Julian Barratt" sweater (meaning is it a striped sweater).
For the rest of the day, Bronwen mostly packed up all her stuff, because she had to move out of her room completely over the break (omfg!) and her mum picked us up that night. It was a squishy ride back.
I was a little disappointed that I was only able to meet a couple of her uni friends, and only briefly at that, because of people moving out and her being sick, but it was nice to see where she is staying and see the towns.
When we got back to her house that night, it was already quite late, and we were knackered. Her little brother, Michael, was back though, and so they told him to come say hi to me. He started crashing into walls and throwing himself on the floor and being a goof, and wouldn't look at me for several minutes, and after a lot of prodding finally said hi before going to bed. Did I mention he is 6 (almost 7)? I hadn't seen him since he was 3 though, and apparently he acts strange when he meets new people (or people he hasn't seen in a long time). The next morning, though, he was over that shyness or whatever it is, and I was suddenly a new person for him to play light sabre games with. But that is another story for another blog.

actiwity: shopping, picturebox: the mighty boosh, state-of-mind: england, state-of-mind: yorkshire

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