My Silver Cowboy Boots of the Day

Jan 09, 2010 16:47

The fact that I went to my Peer Helper training/information session today, even though I felt like crap! (Yes, I am reaching a little today)

I woke up feeling pretty awful this morning, but I thought it might just be my nerves because I was SO AFRAID of going to this thing today - it involved some of my most nerve-wracking things: meeting new people, being away from my computer for over 8 hours, and could have potentially included some team-building excercises (DO NOT WANT) - and usually when I'm feeling sick and nervous about going somewhere, I feel better once I'm actually out and there, so I went anyway. It wasn't as bad as I feared, though my ill feeling did not go away, and I actually feel more sick now than I did before.

But it's important to emphasize the good part: It wasn't as bad as I feared, and for this I am grateful. There was a little "icebreaker" game at the beginning, but it was only mildly humiliating and didn't involve sharing personal information or anything, and I did get a chance to meet and talk with some of the other peer helpers who'll be working at the Information Desk with me. I didn't even mind that we had to do a skit, and I hate that sort of thing. I was in a surprisingly good mood considering how much I didn't want to go in the first place, and how I felt sick all day. Good for me.

I have to go back again tomorrow, so I hope I don't feel as sick, but at least I'm less worried about it and it'll be more like, "Hey, I know these people!"**

**Rare for me.

that was not a good price [sick], actiwity: volunteering, !silver boots

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