
Oct 04, 2009 13:38

I've seen so much live music this year. It is awesome. Mostly for the sake of my own future memory, here's the list so far:

Gentleman Reg (U of G noon hour concert)
An Horse (U of G noon hour concert)
Young Rival (opening for: TPC)
Tokyo Police Club
Amy Bronson (Drag night)
Kay Pettigrew (Drag night)
Green Go (Drag night)
Fight of the Conchords (with opener Eugene Mirman)
Crush Luther (with some crappy opening band)
Dance Hall Free For All (Hillside)
Kevin Hearn (Hillside)
Gentleman Reg (again) (Hillside)
Weezer (opening for: B182, also some other crappy opening bands)
Blink-182 (standing really far back on the grass, but still totally awesome)
Metric (was not super enjoyable because I was in physical pain and discomfort the whole time and almost got kicked in the face)
Trainlight (opening for: CL)
Crush Luther (again)
Amy Bronson (again) (Guelphfest)
We Are The Take (Guelphfest)
Trainlight (again) (Guelphfest)
The Envy (Guelphfest)

And in the next couple weeks:
Gentleman Reg (AGAIN!)
Crush Luther (AGAIN!) (CD Release party, October 9)
Two Hours Traffic (Opening for: SB)
Spiral Beach

This is only including the bands I've seen that I've really enjoyed AND remembered the names of. I've seen other opening acts and such that I didn't care for as much. So everything on this list comes HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. It's also not including things like open mic nights at Arts House last semester, though there were some awesome performances at those as well.

I'd like to especially offer my seal of approval to those bands/artists that are SUPER NICE and talk to fans (i.e. to ME)
  • Gentleman Reg: I talked to him after a show a couple years ago and he signed a CD for me, then this year I went up to him to get his new CD and he actually remembered my name, somehow. That is dedication to the fans!
  • Kevin Hearn: Actually came up to me and supersharmie after we saw him perform and we were hanging around, too nervous to approach him. And he signed my CD. And he didn't seem TOO freaked out that I was hyperventilating and nearly passing out.
  • Crush Luther: After we saw them perform (the first time), we were going to go buy some CDs/Merch from them, but were a bit shy to go. Luckily, Luther (lead singer/guitar) came right up to us and started chatting, thanked us for coming, etc. We got a great deal on CDs and t-shirts, and there were hugs (Sharmie's favourite) and he was super nice. Then when we saw them a couple weeks ago, he came and said hi before the show and sat around with us as the opening band (Trainlight) went on, and took requests from us (or at least offered to...they don't know how to play some of our favourites live anymore. LOL!). Crush Luther is a band that really likes to be interactive with fans, and they do online live video chats/performances, and use Twitter and stuff. Really cool.
  • Trainlight: Went to buy their CD after seeing them play, too, and Christian (lead singer/keyboard) was also really nice, and told us about Guelphfest which was coming up - and which he pretty much organized himself. Guelphfest was really cool (though I didn't get to most of it) but the fact that he took that on is really great of him. We saw him again after they performed, and he was glad to see us back and singing along, and there were hugs (Sharmie's favourite) and high fives (my favourite) and general joyousness.
  • Amy Bronson: She's a fellow Arts House alum, but she's really good and really nice, and she's from Alberta (as opposed to most of the others being from the southern Ontario/Toronto area). Though she's here in Guelph now for school.
Yay, music and nice folks!

Though, just to make me the biggest prick ever, here are the things I was disappointed that i didn't get to see recently:

The Proclaimers
Tokyo Police Club (again)
Young Rival (again)

soundnoise [music], soundnoise: blink-182, soundnoise: hillside festival, soundnoise [concert], soundnoise: gentleman reg, soundnoise: crush luther, soundnoise: spiral beach, srsbsns: list, ppl irl: nice!, soundnoise: flight of the conchords

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