Sublime?? (look at #9)
OK, so the moral of the story is that if an ice
screen is constructed and the ambient temp is 8 C (46 F for my
down south friends) solid
ice turns to gas without becoming a liquid .. which all on it's own is pretty cool. What ends up happening is the ice fractures into millions of little cracks and makes light refract rather than reflect. Now I'm not saying there's anything wrong with refraction, heck, some of my best friends are
refractors, but when a gal is trying to get her v jam on to project on such a surface is .. well all you see is pretty colours, there are no defined images ... oh, but wait, who's to the rescue?? T'is my friend the
white tarp. Mmmmm white tarps ... saved the butt fo' sho'. So in the end I projected on a tarp draped over a once beautiful reflective screen of ice that had become a beautiful refractive screen of ice.
Thanks to Matt who, as you see in this pic, is trying to sand down the ice to make it snow like. the effort was much appreciated.
The show was lovely, thanks to everyone who came, especially the lovely
pash29 You rocked my world!!! Thanks also to my lj friends who support me from afar .. you are beautiful.
One more pic .. 'cause it's fire-y ... Oooo, speaking of pics, thanks to Rachelle for taking these pics .. nicely done!!